We All Lack Discipline At Times

Give yourself grace and ease

Aziz Patrawala
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readNov 7, 2021


Lately, I have noticed things I normally enjoy doing are feeling like tasks. I ended up doing them just so I can check off the imaginary box and say, today was good, I have accomplished what I want to. The thing is, doing this is taking my love for learning away. See, I am trying to learn javascript, and I made it a goal to myself to spend 1 hour and 40 mins every day learning it. And I will be honest, I don't feel like learning it. Why? Cause there is a Netflix show I would rather watch, and also I haven't been flexible enough with myself. I scheduled a set time for myself to code every day. Problem is, I don't always feel like coding at that time but feel like coding earlier in the day. Instead, I watch Netflix during that free part of the day and when it comes time to code, I don't feel like coding and I watch Netflix again instead.

Photo by soheyl dehghani on Unsplash

So I am working on giving myself flexibility and ease, and so far it's going great, today I coded first thing, and I loved it. After I finished I relaxed and watched some Netflix. Then I wrote this article.

I feel great now, I truly feel like I have accomplished something, it doesn't feel like I just checking off an imaginary box, I have got my love for learning back and am ready once again to explore new things and take myself to new levels.

So no matter where you are, change your perspective, enjoy what you do, give yourself grace and ease, and know that you are human and not every day will be great.


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Aziz Patrawala
Alternative Perspectives

Empowering you to have success, but also happiness and fulfillment