Why Is This Happening To Me?

Are Circumstances Overwhelming You?

Isabel Young
Alternative Perspectives
2 min readJun 6, 2022


Photo by SHVETS production:

Are Circumstances Beyond Our Control?

There are many situations beyond our

control that we need to be responsible for.

We cannot always control the circumstances around us, but we can be responsible for the decisions that we make.

We need to take responsibility for things

that happen to us, even if it is not our fault.

The more we try to control what happens to us, the less we are in control.

The circumstances beyond our control make us

responsible for everything we have and have not done.

What If The Circumstance Is Someone Else’s Fault?

We should not be blaming others for our bad luck or misfortune

Understand that life is a series of events, some good and some bad

Learn from those events and make better choices in the future

We Constantly Struggle — To Acknowledge That We Don’t Control Anything:

We have a tendency to think that

we are in control of everything.

We feel like we can predict the future and that the future will be just like what we want it to be.

This is a dangerous way of thinking because it gives us a false sense of security

It causes us to make irrational decisions and not take precautions because we think that nothing bad will happen

People struggle with acknowledging that

they don’t control anything. This can lead

to irrational decisions and not taking precautions

because they think nothing bad will happen.

Final Thoughts: Are You Really in Control?

The more we try to control everything, the more

it seems that events are conspiring against us.

We have to learn how to be comfortable with uncertainty, and accept that we don’t control anything.

We are constantly looking for ways

to control our environment.

We want to be in charge of the things that happen to us.

But is it possible?

What if the thing we think is under our control

might actually be beyond it?

What are your thoughts about control?



Isabel Young
Alternative Perspectives

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves. https://linktr.ee/beyoung2