Faith can be seen

Christopher Toh
The Alternativists archive
3 min readAug 30, 2018

Faith is defined as believing in God, trusting God, depending on God or obeying God. All these captures the meaning of faith in different perspectives but one thing is evident; believing in God, trusting God, depending on God and obeying God can be seen. Simply said, faith can be seen.

Acts 14:8–10 (NLT)
While they were at Lystra, Paul and Barnabas came upon a man with crippled feet. He had been that way from birth, so he had never walked. He was sitting and listening as Paul preached. Looking straight at him, Paul realized he had faith to be healed. So Paul called to him in a loud voice, “Stand up!” And the man jumped to his feet and started walking.

Isn’t it interesting that the lame man in the Bible passage didn’t utter a single word, yet the Apostle Paul could see his faith to be healed?

This man while sitting which he only could as he was crippled had a posture. I can imagine him sitting upright, leaning in and trying his best to listen to the words of Apostle Paul. I can imagine his eyes gazing intently at the Apostle Paul.

This is a posture and eyes of a man who is fervently seeking for his miracle. This is a posture and eyes of faith.

We can tell if a person is interested in what you have to say by observing the posture; is he slouching on the seat or sitting at the edge of the seat? Is she laid-back or sitting upright?

We can also tell if a person is interested by initiating eye contact. Having eye contact with the speaker or interviewer shows that one is focused and paying attention.

True for the natural, true for the spiritual. When you have faith, you can’t help but engage in an expectant posture of wanting to receive something and your eyes are shining with anticipation. When you have faith, you move from the mundane zone to the miracle zone.

The Apostle Paul healing the crippled man wasn’t the only story recorded of faith being seen. Didn’t Jesus have a similar encounter as well with the four friends who carried and lowered their paralyzed friend to Jesus? (Matthew 9:1–8, Mark 2:1–12, Luke 5:17–26). Jesus saw their faith.

When a group of faith-filled people gather in one place, the spiritual temperature increases by notches as these people are not just thermometers but thermostats. It is as though the place is brimming with expectancy and burning for miracles to happen. An atmosphere of faith can be seen.

This atmosphere of faith is contagious; it will breathe life into the weary soul, lift heavy-laden burdens, give hope to the hopeless and resurrect broken dreams.

Therefore, the question to ask yourself is; “can your faith be seen?” If you say that you trust and obey God, your actions will speak louder than words. What you do can impact the people around you and change your world.

Let it be known. Let it be seen.

Find out more about the amazing church I call home: Heart of God Church.



Christopher Toh
The Alternativists archive

“I'm not afraid of failure; I'm afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.” — William Carey