Exploring the Vast Cosmos of Althea: A Hitchhiker’s Guide

Devon Malick
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2024
Image of space explorers walking on a planet’s surface, surrounded by satellites and radios.
Explore the intricacies of decentralized networks with Althea.

Greetings, Cosmic Traveler!

Welcome to the Althea Universe, where the internet is a cosmic tapestry woven with the threads of decentralization, routers are starships navigating the vastness of connectivity, and possibilities are as infinite as the cosmos itself. In this guide, inspired by the whimsical spirit of “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” we invite you to embark on an intergalactic journey through the realms of Althea.

Whether you’re a seasoned spacefarer seeking deeper insights or a curious Earthling yearning to understand the intricacies of decentralized networks, this guide is your trusty companion. At times, this might look complicated, but we feel we must tell you: Don’t Panic.

Join us as we navigate the constellations of user onboarding, explore the compatibility of cosmic hardware, unearth entrepreneurial opportunities, and peer into the cosmic metrics that measure the success of Althea’s cosmic odyssey.

So, strap in, hitch a ride on the Althea starship, and let the cosmic adventure begin! Remember, in the vast expanse of the Althea Universe, the answers to your questions are as abundant as stardust — waiting to be discovered. Let’s embark on this cosmic journey together, where the only limit is the edge of the universe and beyond.

Beyond Boundaries: Althea’s Open Access Model

Cosmic Liberation: Althea’s Open Access Paradigm

In the cosmic realms of Althea, the concept of dead ends is as alien as a Vogon’s poetry. Here, networks stretch beyond the confines of your home, reaching into the vast expanse of a public network or even venturing into the fields of smart agriculture. Althea’s open access model transforms the very fabric of ISP system design, blurring the lines until the term “ISP” itself becomes a mere relic of the past.

In this cosmic dance, service, and infrastructure part ways, granting you, the user, unprecedented control. Imagine a universe where you decide what to pay for — balancing latency and cost on a minute-by-minute basis. No longer tethered to the whims of a single service provider, you become the master of your digital destiny.

The intelligence of the Althean network takes center stage, weaving a tapestry where the best upstream is chosen based on your preference. It’s a bit tricky to wrap your mind around, especially if your usual musings don’t involve pondering the intricate designs of utilities all day. For those craving a deeper dive into the cosmic nuts and bolts, Justin’s NANOG presentation is a stellar guide, unveiling the intricacies of Althea’s disruptive force in the digital cosmos.

Multiple planets and moons in the distance with satellites and radio towers.
Cosmic pioneers of Althea can use any technology they’d like to run Althea.

Gateways: The Agnostic Portals

Connecting Across Cosmic Networks

Are Althea gateways agnostic? The cosmic tech of Althea doesn’t discriminate — whether Fiber Optic, LTE/5G, or fixed wireless networks, all are welcome. Encryption veils the cosmic journey, ensuring upstream providers remain oblivious. However, cosmic etiquette suggests adherence to terms of service, use of wholesale DIA or PTP Fiber, and compliance with local regulations. Hawk Networks, the cosmic guide, stands ready to assist.

Decrypting the KeyLTE Starter Kit and BYOENB

Galactic Hardware Choices

The KeyLTE starter kit and BYOENB options may seem like arcane artifacts but fear not:

  • Starter Kit Selections: Choose between the little baicells for small wonders or the Airspan for broader broadband deployment. The choices aren’t just about hardware; they’re about unleashing the cosmic power of radio capacity and performance.
  • Frequency Matters: Sim cards numbering in the hundreds, cores working with any frequency — the kit with Enbs and radios plays in the realms of 3.65, B48, and beyond. Reach out to the cosmic engineers at hello@althea.net for a tailored solution to your specific use case.
Cosmic pioneers on a distant planet with satellites floating in the sky.
Embark on a galactic adventure with Althea’s user onboarding.

Onboarding to Althea: A Galactic Adventure

Ready for Liftoff

To dive into the immersive UX of Althea, your best bet is to hop aboard the cosmic train by ordering a router at shop.althea.net. It’s not just a purchase; it’s an interstellar experience. Once you have the hardware, you can also consult the ancient scrolls (guides) available at docs.althea.net for enlightenment. However, you will need to bring your own towel.

Hardware Compatibility: The OpenWRT Frontier

Not all home routers are born equal, but fear not! Althea thrives on OpenWRT, and you can flash it onto most devices compatible with this open firmware. To check if your router is a star in the Althea constellation, consult the sacred list of supported devices here.

Onboarding End Users: A Cosmic Ballet

The Althea Initiation Ritual

Joining Althea as an end user is a breeze; no hacking involved! Local operators, the unsung heroes of the Althean universe, install and support the network. To partake in this celestial internet, contact your local operator through the mystical Customer Service line (866–425–8432). A rendezvous will be arranged, and your home will soon be graced with Althea’s internet magic.

Cryptocurrency Sorcery

Worry not, dear Earthling! Althea’s cryptocurrency dealings are handled behind the cosmic curtain. End users pre-pay with a debit card, and under the hood, it’s all about stablecoins, automatic payments between routers, and the seamless flow of cosmic currency.

A single cosmic pioneer surrounded by satellites with planets floating in the distance.
Measure Althea’s galactic success or generate your own by pursuing entrepreneurial opportunities.

Metrics: Gauging the Galactic Success

The Cosmic Scoreboard

For a sneak peek into the cosmic dance, check out the Althea platform volume on Gnosis and on-chain revenue at depin.ninja.

Volume and Protocol Revenue: The Cosmic Queries

Navigate the cosmic data realms with two queries that shed light on Althea’s cosmic heartbeat:

The simplicity of these queries is a testament to the current on-chain infrastructure used in Gnosis. While more advanced on-chain infrastructure is on the cosmic horizon, especially with Althea L1, the original payment design for the Althea routing protocol intentionally embraced simplicity. Years of dedication have been poured into building and stabilizing this foundational structure.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Building Your Galactic Empire

The Althean Frontier Awaits

For those with entrepreneurial dreams, Althea offers a cosmic canvas of opportunities. Providing services, construction, design, and system integration are pathways to revenue that support the growth of the Althea platform. Become a beacon in the Althean galaxy, and may your efforts flourish!

Finding Your Way: Seeking an Operator

To connect with a local operator in your terrestrial neighborhood, shoot an electronic message to hello@althea.net. Soon, an interactive map on hawknetworks.net will guide you through the Althean constellations by the end of Q1 2024.

Large planet floating over the horizon surrounded by moons and satellites.
Armed with the right tools and knowledge, you can navigate Althea’s celestial expanse.

Seeking More Knowledge

Ongoing Projects and Technical Depths

Should your curiosity drive you deeper into the cosmic realms of Althea, the first portals you should traverse are:

  • Ongoing Projects: Wander through the cosmic archives at Medium to catch up on the latest projects and undertakings in the Althea Universe.
  • Technical Deep Dives: Venture into the code constellations on GitHub for in-depth technical explorations.
  • Liquid Infrastructure Wisdom: For those who seek the elixir of Liquid Infrastructure, the sacred texts await you at Althea-L1-Docs.

Visual Odyssey on YouTube

For a more immersive experience, set your spacecraft coordinates to Althea’s YouTube channel. Explore roundtables, community talks, network examples, and end-of-the-year recaps — the visual galaxy of Althea unfolds before your very eyes.

Engaging with Althea: 5 Paths to Cosmic Participation

Ways to Become an Althean Explorer

Embark on your journey with Althea by choosing one (or all) of these paths:

  1. Set up an ISP or Cellular Network: Dive headfirst into the cosmic seas by establishing your own Internet Service Provider or cellular network. Althea’s cosmic engineers stand ready to assist on this epic quest.
  2. Hack the Hardware: For the technomancers among us, delve into the arcane arts of hardware development, kits, and IoT. Expand the Althean ecosystem with devices that communicate in the secret language of machine-to-machine payments.
  3. Write Content: Become a cosmic bard, spinning tales of the Althea saga. The team seeks skilled content writers to share the cosmic story with the galaxy.
  4. Be an Althean Validator: Join the ranks of permissionless validators in the blockchain cosmos. Your participation is not just welcomed — it’s celebrated.
  5. Start an Althea Chapter: Localize your cosmic influence by starting an Althea Chapter. An ecosystem support program for this endeavor will soon unfold like a cosmic blossom.

Conclusion: So Long, and Thanks for All the Packets

As we conclude our cosmic journey through the Althea Universe, remember: the galaxy is your oyster, and Althea is your trusty starship. May your internet be decentralized, your routers be ever-connected, and your entrepreneurial ventures be as prosperous as a supernova.

