Where is your Pit Crew?

N'aithan Scott
Altis Unplugged
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2015

When I first started watching NASCAR and Motorbike racing, I would fall asleep within the first 5 laps. It didn’t interest me much. I do have to admit, though, one aspect of automotive racing keeps me highly entertained. The pit stops are awesome! I can’t help but watch in amazement as I see 5 -15 different people work on a vehicle and have it up and running in a few seconds. There is almost an art form to it. It interests me so much that I look forward to the engine breakdowns and tire blowouts. I anxiously wait to see how the pit crew works together to get that vehicle back in the race. While watching these races, the pit stop reminds me a statement made to me by Sandra Glover. We were in her weight room when she told me something that stuck with me. Sandra said, “If you want to be successful N’aithan, you need a team. It can’t be done alone.” I understood that I needed a crew that would do their best to ensure that I could do the same. So, I started to invest in a pit crew.

I started by listing my goals and evaluating my progress. I began to realize that there were things that I needed in order to reach my full potential. I had muscle stimulators and ultrasound machines, but I could not give myself proper physio. I may have had a few books on nutrition, but I could not build my own nutrition plan. I even had a workout book, but I could not be my own coach. These were the basic necessities, and I was without them.

Altis….My Pit Crew

Once I started training at Altis, I began to see what I was missing. I was lacking coaching, physiotherapy, nutrition, education and an environment that demanded the best efforts of the entire group. This immediately became part of my pit crew. My coach was my Crew Chief and the therapists were the crew. My Crew Chief knows me the best and knows what I need to have my best performance. Through my Crew Chief, I know all my needs are met in order to perform. This includes setting up massage appointments and treatment sessions to ensure I could handle the load given to me. (Even if my coach had to make sure of it himself)

Coach Dustin Imdieke giving treatment before a practice session. The coach is the Crew Chief of an athlete’s pit crew.

Altis provides me with the tools to have a better understanding of my nutrition. Altis also gave me other tools to help me endure training/competition and recover afterwards. With these tools, I can keep my machine oiled and fueled throughout the season. This was the beginning of an addiction for me. I started to see success come at a much faster rate. I wanted to make my pit crew grow.

Brooks….My New Crew Member

The beginning of this season was much more pleasant than previous seasons. I knew where I ended, and I knew what I needed to continue moving in the direction I wanted to go. I worked hard to find another member of my pit crew that would not only make me better, but would work to make themselves better as well. That is when I was blessed with an opportunity to run for Brooks.

Brooks Sports, Inc. is an American running company that designs and markets high-performance men’s and women’s running shoes, apparel and accessories in more than 60 countries worldwide.

Brooks is the new addition to my team, and I am extremely excited to build our relationship. They provide me with excellent gear to run happy and help me be my best every time I step on the track. Adding Brooks to my team makes me more confident going into an olympic year; and I know with Altis and Brooks in my Pit Crew, I can continue to reach for a spot on that podium.

Everyone Needs A Pit Crew

I see plenty of people with potential to do amazing things. The only reason they fall short is that they lack a support system. Too often I see other situations where a pit crew could be helpful. For example, there is a buddy of mine who played football at Fresno State. He had a few injuries that kept him from performing at his best. Those injuries plagued his confidence and made him lose his motivationto take his talents to the next level. Now he is working a job to take care of his family, but his desire to be on the football field eats at him internally. Sound familiar? If he had a “pit crew” that could correct his issues and support his development, he would be on a football field doing what he enjoys most. Sometimes, a tough situation can force a person to regroup in order to keep moving forward. Other times it can make someone turn around and give up on trying again. Most individuals chose the latter.

I want to encourage you to look at your goals and evaluate your progress. Start building your pit crew to ensure you have the best opportunity to finish your race. Keep moving forward, even when you need a pit stop to regroup. We all want to win and be successful, but like an Olympian once told me…

If you want to be successful, you need a team. It can’t be done alone.



N'aithan Scott
Altis Unplugged

110m hurdler for @AltisWorld One of many who #carrytheshield #Rio2016