Adding pre-flashed UBNT AC LR to the console

Rob H
Altiwi Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2019

This is step-by-step guide on how to add the pre-flashed UBNT AC LR device to the console. It is the simplest way on how to start with the Altiwi cloud managed WiFi.

First — sign up into the console at

Click the Sign up button
Provide name, email (important!) and the password you want to use to connect to the management console.
The e-mail address you have provided is used for your account verification and also would be used for password recovery, shall you forget your password later.
Just go to your e-mail client and clik the Confirm my account link

Second — Create an Organization. The organization is the top level container that will manage all your networks. If you manage only one, our own, network, no worries, the WiFi you will create would be named just like the Organization and you will not need to hear about any organizations again :-)

It is advisable to provide full street address of the location of your network, as it is used to place the access points to a map. It will make your life easier later but if you do not want to provide such information, no problem. In such case we’d strongly recommend to fill at least the Time Zone. We need to know in which time zone your network resides to be able to correctly select time window for firmware updates and other similar stuff to do it (ususally) over night. The time window can be selected by you later but it is not covered in this short guide.

Fill-in the organization name. It is defived from your email address but you can use pretty anything you like here.

Third — setup your network. The first network you create would be connected directly to your LAN. Anyone with access to this network will have access to all resources on your LAN. The other, Internet Only, can be used to provide public internet access. Users of this network will have access to the internet but not to the local resources. Usefull for visitors.

Creates new WiFi (SSID)
You can choose your own password or use the generated one.
You might want to create anothe WiFi with Internet only access.
Again, just use any password you like
By pressing the small eye, you can look at all password you have set up and hide them back for your convenience.

Fourth — add your access point(s) by clicking the Add Access Point button. You will need the MAC address of the device that can be found on the box and on the device itself. It consists of 12 alfanumeric charactes, just digist and letters from a-f. Don’t forget to select the correct device type, which is in this case UBNTACLR and place the device on a map.

Location of the MAC address on the box. In this particular case, the MAC is 18E829961209. You may also use your phone (just login into the same console, and just scan the QR code on the right to avoid typing.
Location of the MAC address on the device. In this particular case, the MAC is, again, 18E829961209. You should omit the leading and trailing extra characters. You may also use your phone (just login into the same console, and just scan the QR code on the right to avoid typing.
Select the device type as UBNTACLR — important!
…and place the access point to the map.

Fifth — the device will appear on the list. Plug the device into your network and it will show as connected with last contact a few seconds ago. You can use the refresh button of your browser to see if it worked well.

When added, the device is not connected yet — last seen: never
When you plug the device and wait some 5 minutes, it will appear as live — last seen: less than 5 seconds ago

You are done. Connect your device with the password you have chosen and enjoy the browsing!

As usual, here is the video version of the guide:

If you have any questions or difficulties, feel free to contact me at rob.h(a)!

