AltLayer-Run EigenDA Operator is Live on Mainnet

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5 min readApr 10, 2024


We are excited to announce that we will be supporting the newly launched EigenDA mainnet by provisioning an operator, run and managed by AltLayer. We extend a warm invitation to delegators to participate by delegating their ETH and LSTs to our operator, contributing to the security, stability and performance of EigenDA.

Our commitment to supporting EigenDA is rooted in our belief in the transformative potential of restaking and the need for a cheaper, scalable and performant data publishing layer. By operating a secure and reliable node, we aim to bolster the network’s infrastructure and help facilitate its growth.

Background on AltLayer

AltLayer is a leading provider of Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS), specializing in the deployment and management of bespoke rollups tailored to the unique needs of diverse applications. With a proven track record, we have successfully launched and supported over 30 application-specific rollups spanning a range of major blockchain stacks, including OP Stack, Arbitrum Orbit, Polygon CDK, ZKStack, and others. Many of these rollups have integrated EigenDA to fulfill their data availability needs.

Our extensive experience in operating rollup infrastructure for external clients underscores our deep understanding of the technical intricacies and operational nuances involved. This experience uniquely positions us to operate and administer EigenDA’s Actively Validated Service aka AVS effectively and efficiently.

Additionally, in collaboration with EigenLayer, we also launched a new framework called Restaked rollups that combines the ease of spinning up rollups using rollup stacks with the power of EigenLayer’s restaking mechanism to bootstrap network security and build a decentralized network. Under the restaked rollup framework, AltLayer offers three modular AVSes:

  1. VITAL (AVS for decentralized verification of rollup’s state)
  2. MACH (AVS for fast finality)
  3. SQUAD (AVS for decentralized sequencing)

All the three products leverage EigenLayer’s restaking mechanism for security and decentralization making us a core AVS that can “bridge” EigenDA with the rollup world.

We are therefore excited to bring our strength to the EigenDA operator set and would love to have you delegate ETH and LSTs to our operator, as we work hand in hand to support and secure EigenDA’s mission and ecosystem.

Background on EigenDA

EigenDA is a data availability store made by EigenLabs and one of the most anticipated Actively Validated Services (AVS) launch on EigenLayer. It will offer super high data availability throughput with a flexible pricing model, all while leveraging security through Ethereum’s staked assets via restaking.

EigenDA stores rollup transactions until their computed state is finalized on the rollup bridge, and is:

  1. Scalable. EigenDA write throughput scales linearly with the number of operators. At launch EigenDA will provide 10 MB/s of write throughput.
  2. Secure. EigenDA is decentralized, and made up of hundreds of operators registered in EigenLayer whose delegated stake imposes an economic cost to misbehavior.
  3. Decentralized. EigenDA’s design is inspired by Danksharding, which promises to scale Ethereum-native DA beyond EIP-4844.

User Delegation Guide on EigenDA Mainnet

As EigenDA goes to mainnet, we invite delegators to restake ETH and LSTs to the AltLayer-run operator and help secure EigenDA. This post presents a guide that will walk you through the process of delegating assets to AltLayer-run EigenDA operator.

Restake your token

Step 0: Acquire Beacon Chain ETH, or supported LSTs as shown

Step 1: Head over to EigenLayer’s web application at and connect your Web3 wallet.

Step 2: In the dashboard, click “Restake Your Tokens”.

Step 3: You will now see the different restaking assets supported by EigenLayer. Select the assets that you have acquired in Step 0.

Step 4: Input the amount of tokens you would like to restake, click “Deposit” and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

At this point, you will have successfully restaked your assets via EigenLayer contracts. The next steps will allow you to delegate these restaked assets to AltLayer-run EigenDA operator. Delegation is a way to allocate your assets to a given AVS and a given operator serving that AVS.

Delegating to AltLayer-run Operator for EigenDA AVS

Step 1: Navigate to the AVS tab on top of the web application at

Step 2: Hop over and select EigenDA AVS card. Once you are on the EigenLayer AVS information page, scroll down to the section titled “Operators running EigenLayer AVS”.

Step 3: Search or scroll down to AltLayer Operator card and click Delegate and confirm the transaction in your wallet and you are done!

With these simple steps, you have successfully delegated your assets to AltLayer-run EigenDA operator.

To close off, please take note of the following delegation caveats:

  • Stakers can only delegate to a single operator at any given time.
  • Delegation is an “all or nothing” operation. You must delegate all of your available Restaked balance to AltLayer.
  • Delegation is not possible for Native Restakers while their validators are in the activation (aka entry) queue. Native Restaked tokens must be fully Restaked and proven on-chain before they can be delegated.
  • If you have already delegated your stake to an operator in any quorum, all new stakes will be delegated to the same operator automatically.
  • If the delegated operator is no longer in the active set of an AVS (such as due to Churning in EigenDA for example), the restaker has the option to redelegate their TVL balance to another Operator. Please see the Undelegate from an Operator and Initiate Withdrawal page for specific instructions.

Thank you again for being a delegator to our operator for EigenDA. If you still have any questions, please head over to our Discord.

Onwards and upwards!



AltLayer Network is a runtime execution and elastic scaling layer for all blockchains.