3 Ways American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare Can (And Probably Will) Go Off The Rails

Mike Munoz
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2016

Overall, there was a lot to love about the season premiere of American Horror Story: My Roanoke Nightmare.

There’s the fun twist that we’re actually watching TV show inside a TV show. We got standout performances from Ryan Murphy favorites Lily Rabe, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Sarah Paulson. And we barely had to see any Lady Gaga (more on that later).

But if I’ve learned anything about AHS over the past few years it’s that it doesn’t take long before things go totally batshit crazy. So here are a couple of way I think things could go completely off the rails this season.

1. Aliens

Aside from this one suspicious shot (above) from the season 6 trailer, there doesn’t seem to be any reason to believe aliens will play a big role in Roanoke. But remember what happened with Asylum? Because that season was supposed to be all about a corrupt (you guessed it) insane asylum, but instead we got…

I still don’t really know what aliens had to do with anything from that clusterfuck of a season, but that’s what we got. If the Kathy Bates ghost lady with a weird accent turns out to be an alien, it’s going to be a very long season.

2. Connecting The Entire AHS Universe

There are already a lot of theories swirling around that Roanoke is going to somehow connect all of the previous AHS seasons, and that doesn’t necessarily sound like a terrible thing. It should be fun to keep an eye out for any fun nods and winks to previous seasons, and just like everyone else I’m praying for a Jessica Lange cameo at some point. But I really hope that doesn’t mean Ryan Murphy and co. spend every episode forcing unnecessary twists and shoving obvious Easter eggs down our throats.

3. Lady gaga

I don’t exactly know how, but I guarantee at some point she’s gonna become a major figure in the show and I already know I’m going to hate it. I mean look at this shit.

Yep, that’s her creeping over Kathy Bates’ shoulder. Need I say more?

