Alto Mission & Values 🥇 ⛑ ❤️ 💥 🤔 🐛

Jamie Karraker
Alto Blog
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2018

Our Mission

Our mission is to fulfill medicine’s true purpose — to improve quality of life — for everyone who needs it.

🥇 Patients Come First

  • Patients come before all other stakeholders, including our teammates and our bottom line.
  • Every time we have to make a choice, we will always choose the well-being of our patients.
  • We work because we care, not because it’s expected of us.
  • If patients are happy and healthy, our business will be too.

⛑ Leave No Patient Behind

  • Be reliable. It’s more important to be good for all than to be great for some.
  • Every patient puts their life in our hands, so we have a moral obligation to provide high quality care.
  • When difficult situations arise, we go above and beyond to make sure our patients are taken care of.

❤️ Start with Empathy

  • Before every interaction, pause and place yourself in the other person’s shoes, be it a patient, provider, or teammate.
  • Strive to deeply understand the thoughts and feelings of the people you interact with.
  • Patients are at their most vulnerable when interacting with us. Always try to understand their context.

💥 Focus on Impact

  • Choose the work that makes the biggest impact toward our goals.
  • Always strive to understand the impact your work will make.
  • Prioritize impact over activity. Hard work alone won’t get us closer to our mission — only real results will.

🤔 Think Rigorously

  • Being right matters. It’s how we make the most impact.
  • Start from first principles and question underlying assumptions. There’s nothing sacred about the status quo.
  • Follow the scientific method: hypothesize, test, analyze, and iterate off a failed hypothesis to find the right solution.
  • Recognize when you’re wrong to get to right faster. Be open to changing your mind.
  • Be introspective. Your own strengths and weaknesses are important variables.

🐛 Be Humble

  • We are students of the industry. We learned to be a caring community pharmacy from AG, and we will stay true to our roots.
  • We’re not above other players in the industry who care. We support anybody who aligns with our mission to help patients.
  • Every Alto employee has important expertise, regardless of their role, tenure, or seniority.
  • We all take out the trash.
Each of our ID badges has one of our values printed on the back.

