My First Week at ScriptDash

Ian Thiel
Alto Blog


Beginnings are special. After four amazing years building the Optimizely rocketship, I’ve begun a new journey with ScriptDash.

ScriptDash is a modern pharmacy that delivers your prescriptions, same-day, to your home or office. We’ve automated most of what your local pharmacy does and we deliver. It’s pretty rad.

A Slack bot posts every NPS survey response we get from a patient that’s just received a delivery. Throughout the day these will light up Slack, and they’re a joy to read.

The Current System

What’s struck me most this week is how deeply everyone here cares about patient outcomes and improving healthcare. The current system is outdated. Broken. It not only causes millions of headaches, it also costs thousands of lives. Hundreds of thousands, in fact.

When people don’t take their medication as directed (or at all), the results can sometimes be fatal. This is called non-adherence. The CDC says non-adherence causes 125,000 deaths annually, or ~340 deaths per day. How does this happen?

  • The patient isn’t able to get to a pharmacy on time, safely, or at all.
  • The patient can’t afford the copay because their doctor inadvertently selected a drug that wasn’t covered by their insurance.
  • The patient can’t afford their meds because the pharmacy didn’t apply a coupon making the drug free or affordable. This coupon process is murky and manual.
  • The drug prescribed isn’t covered by insurance and requires special approval (“prior authorization”) from the insurance provider. Either the pharmacy or the doctor dropped the ball in this manual, shitty process, and the patient never got their prescription.
  • The patient didn’t take their prescription as-directed because they were given multiple meds with different instructions (this can be confusing!)

Enter ScriptDash

ScriptDash is a pharmacy built for 2016, from first principles, as a software company. We’ve built our own Pharmacy Management System that lets us solve patient and doctor issues that have been lingering for decades.

We automagically find and apply relevant manufacturer drug coupons, prior authorizations, and renewals. If there’s an alternative medication that’s cheaper or covered by your insurance, we’ll contact your doctor to switch the prescription.

We offer same-day delivery to your home or office via our own fleet of in-house couriers so you don’t have to burn time at the pharmacy waiting. Many people can’t get to a pharmacy safely or at all because of their work hours, and this makes a huge difference in their lives.

Others had same-day surgery or are suffering from ailments that limit mobility or energy.

We offer SmartPacks that group multiple drugs into easy-to-take little packets. It’s pretty cool.

When I’ve explained ScriptDash to a few friends, they think we’re just picking up your prescription from a regular pharmacy. We are the pharmacy! No pickup! Just delivery! From our pharmacy!

Pictured: A Pharmacy

Who We Are

We love software engineering, operations, design, pharmacy, and pizza. Every other Thursday we volunteer at the nearby SF Marin Food Bank. This week our group and a number of others re-packaged some 3,000 lbs of cashews. Hella nuts. It feels good to do good.

Most of the hard work lies ahead of us. We’re looking for a few more good humans that want to explore the intersection of software, logistics, and healthcare. Check us out or say hi the cool way:

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Ian Thiel
Alto Blog

Human. Co-Founder @SublimeSecurity. Formerly @AltoPharmacy, @Optimizely, @SpaceAngels. Brooklyn.