And off they go! 🚴

Supporting AIDS/LifeCycle 2018

Mattieu GA
Alto Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2018


This weekend, a team of Altoids and I are headed to Orientation Day for AIDS/LifeCycle (ALC). ALC is an annual bicycle ride from SF to LA to end AIDS. It brings to light how HIV/AIDS is still a devastating disease today, particularly in the LGBTQ community and communities of color. This is ALC’s 25th year, and over 3000 cyclists and roadies (the crew) will make the 545 mile trek over the course of next week.

Pedaling among them will be Alto’s very own Anne Nelson, HIV pharmacist extraordinaire. Anne is riding for her 5th year in a row. She’s raised over $32,600 and will have logged 2,725 official miles, with thousands more training miles down. Whenever this topic comes up around the office, people often express amazement: how is it even humanly possible! Is it just as hard as it sounds?

I’ve gotten to hear Anne’s eloquent, matter-of-fact response:

Yes, 545 miles is hard. Getting up before dawn for 7 days is hard. So is living with HIV. When I am riding and it gets hard, I think about how many patients get up every day and have to remember to take multiple medications to stay alive. If they can do that for a lifetime, I can certainly ride my bike another 545 miles.

We are so excited to be there supporting her and all the riders on Orientation Day. I’m looking forward to meeting many more inspiring riders, roadies, and volunteers. If you see us tomorrow, please come say hello!

Thank you to everyone who’s put in their time, energy, and love to make ALC 2018 possible. And as always: ride safe — be safe.

Go Anne!

