Why Musicians Should Have Friends Outside of Music

Our careers depend on it!

Viola Geena
Alto Clef Diaries


Photo by Los Muertos Crew from Pexels

Musicians are constantly told to strengthen our ties with our classmates, professors, and mentors throughout our schooling, as our careers rely heavily on our networking abilities.

However, no one really talks about how it is just as important for professional musicians to build meaningful relationships with non-musicians too.

Although music plays a large role in our lives and careers, it is only one small aspect of our lives in the grand scheme. You are so much more than the instrument you play.

Here are a few reasons why you should make an effort to reach out to people who aren’t musicians.

The real world is nothing like a music school.

When you’re a full-time music student, it can be hard to imagine that your life will consist of anything non-music-related. This is not necessarily a bad thing; it just means that you are focused and working hard!

However, once you graduate from university and no longer have weekly commitments like lessons, lectures, and orchestra rehearsals, you’ll start to see that there is more to life than practicing.



Viola Geena
Alto Clef Diaries

Canadian writer who happens to be a violist in a symphony orchestra. All opinions are my own. Twitter: @violageena