Alto forms key partnership with GGRocket to create data-driven item ecosystem and team up to develop a trustless ecosystem for tokenized in-game items that is powered by AI-based analytics services.

Zapp B.
2 min readOct 11, 2018


SINGAPORE — October 11, announced today that they will partner with blockchain protocol developer GGRocket. Designed specifically with gaming in mind, GGRocket developed the first tri-function blockchain with the mission to reward both developers and users alike for collecting gamers’ transactions, verifying identities, and targeting promotions through the use of AI technology. GGRocket’s analytics technology will allow developers, along with publishers and marketplaces, to optimize their dApps monetization and achieve more conversions out of their marketing budget. At the same time, users profit as well by rewarded for their data, creating more a democratic and transparent ecosystem.

“We’ve partnered with GGRocket to give our game developer community a solution to monetize their games and better optimize their marketing spend, resulting in more sustainable income for game and dApp developers alike”, said Gabby Dizon, Chairman and Co-Founder at

The Alto platform provides a suite of tools that enables developers, players, and content creators to mint, use, sell, connect, and search digital assets as part of an item-first economy. With this collaboration, Alto with their strong community of developer partners and GGRocket with their state-of-the art blockchain protocol and analytics tools aim to enable a trustless ecosystem for tokenized in-game items, in which all sides involved benefit from the data involved in these trades. Whitepaper | Onepager | Whitepaper | Onepager

About Alto is creating a decentralized platform with a suite of tools for game developers, item creators and players, built around the blockchain’s item-first economy. Through the Alto platform, interoperable cryptoitems (blockchain-based game items) will be minted, used, and sold across multiple games and users. We are setting out to enable a self-sustaining ecosystem built around the blockchain’s item-first economy that is fair and mutually beneficial for everyone.

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