A Collection of 20+ MQTT Broker Performance Benchmarks (2020–2023)

Altoros Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2023

What are the latencies and throughput of Mosquitto, VerneMQ, EMQX, NanoMQ, HiveMQ, RabbitMQ, BifroMQ, ActiveMQ, etc.?

Performance matters

For the past two years, the number of connected IoT devices has been growing by over 2 billion annually, according to IoT Analytics. At the same time, performance of MQTT brokers directly affects the number of devices that IoT systems can handle while maintaining reasonable speed and reliability. With minimal latencies, brokers need to handle high throughput without dropping messages or using too much resources.

To help you get an idea of how different MQTT products perform in various scenarios, we’ve compiled a list of benchmarks published by various researchers and vendors between 2020 and 2023. We also brought together papers that evaluate public sandboxes or compare MQTT brokers to other alternatives, as well as found a few articles on how to conduct your own benchmarks. Some of the papers are truly independent, while others present the results from one of the vendors. Still, all the reports shed some light on how the tools differ and may behave under various conditions.



Altoros Blog

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