Can Japan Win Over COVID-19 with Technology, Automation, and Telemedicine?

Altoros Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2021

Having vaccinated more than 78% of its population, the country invests in digital transformation to get back to the new normal.

Facing the unexpected pandemic

On December 20, 2021, the Japanese government released a digital vaccination certificate app for its residents, making it available on both Android and iPhone. Storing their vaccination data, citizens can use the software for confirming inoculation status — by generating QR codes when entering restaurants or events, as well as traveling domestically and abroad. This measure is part of a larger initiative aiming to slow down the spread of COVID-19 by utilizing technology and automation.

While some countries are registering thousands of new COVID-19 cases per day, others were able to minimize the spread of the virus thanks to a set of safety measures. With a population of nearly 126 million people, Japan has been reporting less than 200 daily cases throughout November and December 2021. This makes Japan a regional leader in the COVID-19 Recovery Index compiled by the NIKKEI media agency.

The question is, how did a densely populated country like that manage to effectively reduce the spread of the virus? In brief, Japan is taking measures associated with vaccination, social distancing, and innovation.



Altoros Blog

Altoros provides consulting and fully-managed services for cloud automation, microservices, blockchain, and AI&ML.