Cloud Foundry Advisory Board Call, Feb 2022: Jammy Jellyfish Upgrade

Altoros Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

Skipping Focal Fossa enables the community to extend support for Jammy Jellyfish. An alpha release of the stemcell was already published.

The Cloud Foundry Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting for February focused on the decision to skip Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) stemcell and upgrade the operating system of Cloud Foundry with Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). The call was moderated by Ram Iyengar from the CF Foundation.

Jumping ahead to Jammy Jellyfish

The idea to pass over Ubuntu Focal Fossa and instead use the upcoming Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish as the new Cloud Foundry Linux OS was proposed back in October, 2021. During the call, Ram explained that this move to Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish will be better in the long term.

“After the typical life cycle of a Canonical release, the community gets together and engages in a migration. The migration is nontrivial both in terms of effort and expense, so, fortunately, it only has to be done once in a while. As a community, the stewards of the project have decided that instead of moving from the Bionic LTS to the Focal [Fossa] LTS, we are instead going to take a jump into the next one. This is going to be from 18.04 to 22.04, and we are skipping 20.04. The reason is we can just extend support and keep working with [Jammy Jellyfish] for longer, getting operational convenience.”

— Ram Iyengar, Cloud Foundry Foundation

According to Ram, alpha and prealpha versions of Jammy Jellyfish are already available, so members of the community are working on making a stemcell. Additionally, work on the Cloud Foundry Linux file system and buildpacks is being done in parallel.

Read the details and other community updates in our meeting notes:



Altoros Blog

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