Member Spotlight: Paul DiGiovanni

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2015


We’ve been doing Q&A’s with our monthly nonprofits since the beginning. This honest and approachable format let’s the real stories shine. But our nonprofits are only half of the Altruist equation — our Members also have a story to tell. From their views on philanthropy to how they want to change the world, our Member Spotlight will bring the community together in a new way. For our first installment, we’d like to introduce Paul DiGiovanni, Member number #55.

Q. You are the 55th Altruist member — what inspired you to become a member so early on?

I immediately loved the concept of Altruist when I first heard about it. Crowdsourcing is such an empowering theme that I love to support whenever I can. I’m also a young entrepreneur so this was a way that I could make a difference for a relatively small donation.

Q: What has been your favorite featured nonprofit so far? Why?

Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). This organization is growing on me every day. More and more people are starting to realize the potential benefits of psychedelic drugs if they are used appropriately. So I’m very supportive of an organization that is doing research in this field.

Q: If you could change one thing to make the world a better place, what would it be?

I would love to see internet technology be used to improve the representation of citizens in government (e.g. internet voting). Anything we can do to further involve citizens in the process of government could really make a difference.

Connect with Paul on Twitter — @pauliedigi

If you are interested in being featured in our next Member Spotlight, email us.

Learn more about our community and how we’re crowdsourcing philanthropy $1 at a time —

