New directions for Altruist in 2018

Jared Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2018

As many of you are probably aware, there have been a lot fewer communications coming from Altruist over the past year-ish. A big part of this is because Altruist is run by people in their spare time who have full-time careers to concentrate on. Unfortunately, 2017 was especially busy so that’s why you haven’t heard much lately.

However, in recent months we’ve been thinking and talking a lot about the direction of Altruist and I’m excited to announce a few big changes for 2018.

Doubling Down on the Altruist Prize

We started holding a year-end vote and Prize in 2015 and it continues to be the time of year when we see the most attention and gather a large percentage of our donations. This year, we will be focusing solely on the Prize. Going forward, all donations — monthly and one-off — will be pooled into the Prize, which will be distributed to the year’s 12 nonprofits based on the year-end donor vote. We’re excited to see how much we can raise and we think it will lead to a bigger impact!

Prize Distribution 1st Place awarded 25%, 2nd Place awarded 15%, 3rd Place awarded 10%, & the remaining 9 nonprofits split the rest.

More Donation Options

Since the beginning of Altruist, our philosophy has been that the amount we give is much less important than how many of us give. That is why we limited donations to $1 per month. However, donors have always wanted an easier way to give more. Now, donors can give any amount on a schedule that works for them — once a year, once a month, or whenever they can. We are now also are part of the Amazon Smile program, an easy way to give back while shopping on Amazon. And we’ll continue to find new ways to make giving accessible to everyone.

Thank You!

Lastly, I’d just like to personally thank everyone who has supported Altruist and all of our amazing nonprofits over the years. We aren’t the biggest nonprofit out there but we’re still doing great things! Since Altruist launched in late 2013, we’ve raised over $8,300 for 29 amazing charities — and the vast majority of that was raised with $1 donations! We really can do amazing things when we work together. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish next!

P.S. Check out the brand new Altruist Prize website & all the new ways to donate and support our great nonprofit selections!

With Love & Gratitude,

Jared Janes, Altruist founder



Jared Janes
Altruist Blog

Weaving eclectic interests together to promote human development.