Our Impact

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017

providing health care access to those in need

Access to health care is often one of the biggest obstacles facing under-served communities. Long trips and waiting in line to receive free medication from a health clinic adds up to lost wages and travel costs. This, added to the lack of health education, means that many don’t even attempt the trip. Our December nonprofit, Living Goods, employs local Health Promoters who go door-to-door in their communities providing health education and selling essential products and life-saving medicines.

This approach means that health care is just a phone call away, while also proving rewarding, and well-paying jobs for Health Promoters. In December, the Altruist community raised $160 for Living Goods. This donation will ensure that 80 people have access to a well-equipped, well-trained, and easily accessible health worker for one year.

Randomized evaluations of their programs have shown that Living Goods is reducing under-5 mortality by 27 percent. This is an inspiring, entrepreneurial business model for a nonprofit that is using sound, for-profit business methods to make a lasting difference in these communities.

As our community of 158 members continues to grow, our impact will only become more profound. We will continue to bring you stories of how we are making real change in the world and the impact your dollar has on the nonprofits we support.

Learn more about the Altruist community and how you can make your dent $1 at a time at joinAltruist.com.

