Our Impact

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2015


more than just water

The lack of access to clean water continues to be a global humanitarian crisis, claiming new lives each day. Untold millions are left with no other choice than to drink water that has the potential to cause life-threatening disease. Aside from the obvious health risks, access to clean water has far-reaching effects. From education and women’s right to local and regional economic impacts.

Our November nonprofit, Water4, is working to give people not only clean water, but the self-sufficiency that leads to economic freedom. Their team trains local men and women on how to drill their own water wells and install their own hand pumps, giving these individuals both vocational skills and a way to bring clean water to their communities. Last month, our donation of $121 will cover the cost of a water pump and installation for a community in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mama Miriam, a Pygmy woman and former slave living in the Bahaha village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, witnessed the benefits of a similar donation first-hand. Miriam went blind three years ago due to a water-borne parasite she contracted from the river near her village. She could no longer fetch her own water and was abandoned by her husband. She now has a water pump a mere 20 steps from her hut and has the pride of providing clean water for her young children for the first time.

It is hard to believe that our community is capable of having such an immense impact on someone in need. As our community of 141 members continues to grow, our impact will only become more profound. We will continue to bring you stories of how we are making real change in the world and the impact your dollar has on the nonprofits we support.

We are in the middle of our annual Members’ Choice vote and Water4 is currently in the lead with 10 votes. Members have until the end of the month to cast their vote to decide which of our nonprofits will get our December donations. It’s not too late to sign up and become a member to make your vote count!


Learn more about the Altruist community and how you can make your dent $1 at a time at joinAltruist.com.

