Our Impact

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 23, 2016

turning trash into treasure

In the U.S., health care organizations are subject to strict oversight when it comes to medical supplies — extraneous expiration dates, surplus stock, and new technology — often mean tossing valuable supplies out of necessity. Project C.U.R.E. was born out of the idea that these supplies could be sent around the world to areas that need them most — that we could not only provide under-resourced hospitals with the tools they need to save lives, but also vastly reduce waste in the health care industry.

Project C.U.R.E. has taken a logistical nightmare, and turned it into a highly-efficient process for transporting supplies around the world using efficient and accurate inventory systems, supply chain management, expert management of logistics and strong in-country relationships. Hospitals are now able to put their surplus supplies to good use and care providers in other countries are able to better serve their patients.

As the runner-up for our December Members’ Choice Vote, the Altruist community helped raise $120 for Project C.U.R.E. in January. This donation will ship $2,400 worth of medical supplies and equipment to hospitals, clinics and community health centers in under-served countries. The 40 foot, semi-trailer-sized shipping containers go to support a variety of projects, which at the moment includes relief for Syrian refugees displaced by civil war.

As our community of 144 members continues to grow, our impact will only become more profound. We will continue to bring you stories of how we are making real change in the world and the impact your dollar has on the nonprofits we support.

Learn more about the Altruist community and how you can make your dent $1 at a time at joinAltruist.com.

