Placing Nets Over Heads and Beds

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 1, 2016

learn more about the Altruist July nonprofit

In 2015, malaria killed nearly half a million people worldwide, and 200 million more fell ill. This is a disease that is entirely preventable and the majority of those affected are under the age of five. This month’s nonprofit, Against Malaria Foundation (AMF), is working to change these statistics with the distribution of long-lasting insecticidal nets. These nets, when properly used, are the most effective way of preventing malaria.

Malaria is transmitted to humans through certain types of mosquitoes, the majority of which bite at night. The anti-malarial net protects people when they sleep at night, acting both as a physical barrier and as a mechanism for killing mosquitoes via the net’s insecticide coating. This reduces the malaria-carrying mosquito population and can drive down malaria rates. Reducing malaria also has a significant economic impact: every $1 million spent on malaria prevention increases the GDP of Africa by $12 million. So there is both a humanitarian and an economic reason why reducing, and eventually moving to eliminate, malaria is hugely significant.

With a strong emphasis on accountability and transparency, AMF has garnered much recognition from the Effective Altruism community, including GiveWell and The Life You Can Save. We can’t wait to see what our members’ dollar donations can do in July with this inspiring and effective nonprofit.

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