Revisiting Education

Chelsey Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 1, 2015


learn more about our May nonprofit

We don’t often feature our nonprofits more than once, but looking back recently, we’ve realized how far we’ve come. With more than 100 members, our nonprofits today are able to do a lot more with our donations.

One of our early favorites was Parent Child Home Program, which we featured back in February 2014. With our growing numbers, we’ll be able to raise nearly three times as much for them this time around, which is why we’ve selected them as our May nonprofit.

For those of you who don’t know, PCHP provides under-resourced families the necessary skills and tools to help their children thrive in school and life. Last year, one of their goals was to expand their work with immigrant and homeless families. PCHP is uniquely suited to work with homeless families because their early literacy specialists travel to the families, wherever they may be living at the time — in motel rooms, shelters, transitional housing, etc. — bringing them gifts of books and educational toys and modeling for parents appropriate parent-child interaction and ways to engage their children in reading and learning.

This type of attention to early childhood education has an impact on a child for the rest of their life — giving them the tools early-on that will help them succeed. Their research shows that children who participate in the program for two years are 30 percent more likely to graduate from high school. PCHP works because it prepares kids for school, builds their confidence, and brings families closer together.

Read our original Q&A to learn more about PCHP.

If you’re as inspired as we are, consider becoming an Altruist. Learn more about our community and how we’re crowdsourcing philanthropy $1 at a time at

