The Power of $1 in Our Connected World

Jared Janes
Altruist Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2015


it’s time we harness this power

Traditionally, philanthropy has relied on large donations from the wealthiest members of society, however, in our newly connected world, this doesn’t have to be the only way. It’s time to make philanthropy accessible to the rest of us, and we have power in numbers.

If just 1% of the U.S. population donated $1 each month, we would raise over $38 million each year. And let’s not forget that we live in a globally connected world, and the U.S. only makes up 5% of the world’s population. When you look at these numbers, you can start to imagine just how much power we can have if we work together. Historically, the idea of a global community, effortlessly working together to solve society’s challenges, would be crazy. Today, that’s no longer the case. Technology gives us the power to make this a reality. It’s time we harness that power.

That’s the Altruist vision, and it’s beginning to take shape. Our 144 Members are from all over the globe, and we’ve already donated over $2,500 to a group of world-class nonprofits that are addressing our most pressing issues. Our impact grows with every new Member and while each one is only making a tiny, $1 per month commitment, together we are realizing that we have the power to shape a better tomorrow.

Learn more about how the Altruist community and how you can make your dent $1 at a time at



Jared Janes
Altruist Blog

Weaving eclectic interests together to promote human development.