The stairway to heaven or highway to hell?

Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2023

Like every month, we searched the most exciting trends and articles across the web and highlighted the best of the best for you. Although we give full attention to the financial industry’s heartbeat and write about it in our blog, some updates from NASDAQ and other sources are sometimes worth sharing.

So, are you ready for January’s highlights? Who got issued? Who withdrawn? Here’s everything:

The Ins The Outs
About 8 companies were issued to NASDAQ this January, the most dominant one is Skyward Specialty Insurance Group, Inc. (SKWD) with a $134.2M offer amount and a $15 share price. SKWD is a specialty insurance company delivering commercial property and casualty (“P&C”) products and solutions on a non-admitted (or excess and surplus (“E&S”)) and admitted basis, predominantly in the United States.

Almost double the amount, 14 companies withdrew from NASDAQ this month, and the withdrawal was spread evenly across the month. The first to withdraw was Ace Global Business Acquisition II Ltd. on Jan 3rd, and the last was C&W Acquisition Corp. on the 27th.

Read All About It
This month’s biggest story describes the enormous layoffs in most major tech companies such as Google and Microsoft. The layoffs in Google were documented by a former employee on several TikTok videos and describe mass chaos and despair >> Read Article

The recent layoffs add up to the total layoffs of more than 70 thousand in the year 2022 in those companies. The reason for the major changes in the manpower structure might indicate a change in the entire high-tech ecosystem >> Read Article

Although tech companies let many employees go, the stakeholders apparently show a strengthening belief in the companies. NASDAQ flagged most of these companies’ stocks as an investment to watch in the final week of January >> Read Article

The controversial stock of the month is no other than TSLA AKA Tesla, by the famous and lately infamous Elon Mask. Many investors and stock advisers started to write Tesla’s obituaries yet others, like The Motley Fool, are claiming that the stock’s small growth from the recent company report will continue rising and is worth investing in.

Final note

January was characterized by highlighting the significant difference between employees to investors. The entire month serves as a case study to show how employees’ perception of the company’s behavior can be the exact opposite of how investors think and act.

Furthermore, the financial media did not include both sides in a single article and was torn between both sides. Many conclude the beginning of the year as highly effective and encouraging to investors, others set it as catastrophic from the employees’ point of view. Sometimes media’s perception help shape the reader’s opinion so in this case, “who reads what” might effect directly on how this event will be perceived.

For the more cautious stock buyers, investing in those giants such as Google and Microsoft will not be considered a safe bet as it was until today. For the more adventurous buyers, this might be the time to grab some top-tier stocks before they peak once more.

Finally, here’s a tip for founders and investors: Keep a close eye on how these changes play out, you can learn a lot about the market behavior from this event. Understanding the winds of change and how everyone is affected can give a strong understanding of what’s important and what should be invested in.

Stay updated and read more about everything trendy in the ESOP & financial world in our blog.

About altshare

altshare is a leading, fast-growing Equity Management & Compensation Plans Administration solutions provider. We love challenges. We are obsessed with our clients. We are on a mission to redefine the way founders do equity. All our products & services are supported through the altshare platform — the only equity management platform built for entrepreneurs.



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