Setting up Rails 5 Active Storage with Amazon S3

Alberto Jose Aragon Alvarez
Published in
5 min readJun 15, 2018

On this tutorial we are going to see all the necessary steps to setup an S3 Amazon Bucket and use it in Rails Active Storage.

Amazon S3 Setup

Creating the bucket

The first thing we need to do is to create a Bucket in S3. Although is pretty simple to do it it could be a little bit tricky if you are doing it for the first time.

Let’s Sign in on our AWS account and go for your S3 management. To accomplish that we need to visit and click on My Account > AWS Management Console on the Top left Corner:

Login into AWS Management Console

Them provide your credentials on the Sign in page:

Amazon Management Console Sign in

and you should see a screen like this:

Amazon Management Console

Search for S3 on the AWS Services search bar if you can’t see it at first glance:

Amazon S3 Service

Click on the service and should get a screen like this with an empty list of buckets:

Create Bucket

Click on Create bucket and walk through the Wizard:

Create Bucket Wizard — Name and Region

On the name and region screen the best recommended practice is to name it after the domain of your application if possible.

Create Bucket Wizard — Set Properties

On the properties screen you can set a group of settings for the bucket. For this tutorial we are not going to dig in on these but you can play around with it. Will leave it with the default values.

Create Bucket Wizard — Set Permissions

On the permissions’ screen we can set users to get access to this bucket but we are going to do it later in IAM’s Amazon Service later so for the moment leave it right how it is and click Next.

Create Bucket Wizard — Review

This is the confirmation screen you could go ahead and click on Create Bucket.

Adding user policy to grant access to files

Now we are going to create an user and give him the necessary permissions to have read/write access to the S3 Bucket.

Let’s click on Services and search for IAM:

Search IAM Service

On the IAM service page click on Users and there click on Add User:

Add user IAM Service

In the Add User screen type in a User name and be sure to check the Programmatic access checkbox y Access type section.

User details. Programmatic access

After that we must assign the S3 Policy Access in the next screen:

Attach existing policies directly

Click on Attach Existing policies directly and search for S3 policies and select AmazonS3FullAccess and click on Next: Review.

On the review screen click on Show in Secret access key column to see the value. Store both of these values: Access key ID and Secret access key in a safe place because we are going to need it to setup Active Storage on Rails later.

Access key ID. Secret access key

Rails Setup

Config storage.yml

The first step to Setup Active Storage on Rails is to setup config/storage.yml. You should end up with something pretty similar to this:

Config storage.yml

As you can see we had setup the local and test environments to use local storage on disk on tmp/storage folder.

Config production.rb/staging.rb environment

In config/environments/production.rb add the following line:

Active Storage environment configuration

Using S3 bucket

After all this setup is time to use our bucket to store something in it. For example let’s say that you want to store the user profile picture on Amazon’s S3 bucket we need to add the following line on the User Model:

User has one attached profile picture

After this when we need to store the profile picture we should use the following syntax in method Model that we need it, assuming that your pass a parameter of profile_picture:

Store profile picture on Amazon

Plus: Config Heroku ENV variables

One of the fastest way to test your application in a production like environment is using Heroku. Setting up a new Rails project on Heroku is out of the scope of this tutorial but is pretty straigh forward, check out the Getting Started with Rails 5.x on Heroku guide to see how.

To keep the Amazon’s keys out of your code repository you could store them on the Heroku ENV variables and set your application to use them.

Go to your Heroku instance and click on Reveal Config Vars and set the corresponding keys:

Reveal Config Vars
Heroku ENV Variables

We are going to use these three keys on Rails Active Storage to connect our application to the S3 bucket.

Wrapping Up

As you can see is pretty simple to store file on Amazon’s S3 Buckets with Active Storage in Rails 5, it’s simply painless. Let’s just wrap up the necessary steps:

  • Creating the Amazon’s S3 Bucket.
  • Add user policy to grant access to files.
  • Setup environment variables on Heroku.
  • Config storage.yml.
  • Config environments production.rb or staging.rb.
  • Use Active Storage to store files on Amazon’s S3 Bucket.

And that’s all folks. I hope this tutorial was helpful and you use Active Storage on your next Rails project.

If you have any question let me know or leave a comment.
Author: Eng. Alberto Aragón Alvarez

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