The Gaia Vedas : A Snapshot Summary

A Handbook for Worldbuilding … and a New OS for Humanity

Alutha Jamancar
Alutha Writes
6 min readJun 1, 2024


Foundations for Gaia Pacifica. The Gaia Vedas, a Handbook for Worldbuilding*, (*Thoughts on Building a World That Works). Alutha Jamancar.
Image generated by the author in Omnigraffle.

[Author’s Note: This essay is a working draft. It may be subject to future revisions as I tie the various pieces of TGV together more tightly.]

“A beginning is the time for taking the most delicate care that the balances are correct.”

— The opening line of DUNE, by Frank Herbert.

The Narrow Path Forward

“The Narrow Path Forward” … is related to the lesson I grokked while studying NVC (Nonviolent Communication) … a model, which at the time, seemed to have 100+ excellent ways to [metaphorically] recover from a crashed car … but no guidance [or model] for precisely how to maintain and utilize a car … so that it did not crash — or crashed less frequently.

“The Narrow Path Forward” … means that — in these chaotic times, when there seems to be 10,000 active paths to humanity’s destruction & dissolution confronting us — focus your attention on finding a workable solution set, at least one path to building a sustainable utopia. Otherwise, you may find yourself akin to the M*A*S*H [70s U.S. Korean War TV series] surgeons … downstream of seemingly unending carnage & suffering, struggling to apply hasty stopgap solutions that merely patch people up enough to allow them to once again face the meat grinder of modern society.

A Well-Formed Society

We need a new model, a new vision of how the world — and human society — can work …

I am calling my vision, Gaia Pacifica, for “the Earth made peaceful.”

The Current Pandemic of Cynicism and Despair

There is a virus that has seemingly seized control of the world’s imagination, and that virus is the fear of hopelessness. Not actual hopelessness … but the fear that we have somehow turned a dark corner in our oft-twisted development … and arrived at a collective cul-de-sac of agency and imagination.

And that fear is paralyzing us … acting effectively as our own cuddly, doomloop … a self-fulfilling prophecy/algorithm that kills off any nascent hopeful ideas and / or suggestions … while they are still in the cradle.

It is the responsibility of those of us who are still awake — or, yes, ‘woke’ — to ‘raise all boats’ by engaging in meticulous, and at times, daring feats of optimism … and thus singly and in small defiant groups feeding the collective tide of this generation’s imagination.

‘Meticulous’ optimism means engaging in carefully weaving fact-based threads and models using the best practices of logic, reason, and science.

‘Daring’ optimism means occasionally — and strategically — taking brave leaps … by choosing where we want to end up and working backwards / forwards / sideways to see how to make that happen. Whether it’s MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech, FDR’s “New Deal” vision, or JFK’s “Moonshot” declaration … in times of crisis … when all hope seems pointless and cynicism and despair are the favored currency of the popular media … you may need to set aside your limitations, your perceived smallness, your paralyzing fears … and latch onto / commit to a BHAG — a Big Hairy Goal.

Gaia Pacifica

Gaia Pacifica is my BHAG.

Gaia Pacifica will be a global, sustainable utopia. Said another way … it is my most audacious imagining of what a ‘world that works’ would — or could — look like. And like the best BHAGs, it will take more than my solitary life and more than my individual actions to achieve.

The Gaia Vedas

The Gaia Vedas (TGV) is my map — or more accurately, ‘collection of maps’ — for a new OS for humanity. It is, on a fundamental level, a new model of reality.

In 18 key knowledge domains, TGV identifies the current gaps and shortcomings in our current continuum/model of reality … and propose upgrades, fixes, extensions — and replacements — to the maps and models which currently define the limits of each knowledge domain.

The Gaia Vedas represent a set of the models I see as critical to the foundation — and long-term sustainability — of Gaia Pacifica.

My Charter

My name is Alutha Zatoichi Jamancar. I am a continuum master. I work in nonordinary realities. I explore, create, map, and redefine continuums.

In this lifetime, I will create a global sustainable utopia that will be called Gaia Pacifica. I will define a new continuum, a new reality, Gaia Pacifica Prime, and cause a shift of consciousness from the current continuum to Gaia Pacifica Prime.

I will transform our model of what it is to be human, and raise the baseline of what adult humans can achieve.

I will create a new model of consciousness, one grounded deeply in our sensual and energetic natures, and containing a new fluidic model of identity.

I will create a new model of community, with new structures, new agreements, and new constellations of connection and intimacy.

I will pathfind and create new myths, new pathways, and new stories to source humanity’s development.

I will transform our ability to share knowledge, expertise, and experience.

I will profoundly expand our definition and experience of mastery, both at the level of individual and at the level of community.

This is who I am.

Ken Wilber’s Quote about Speaking Out …

“And therefore, all of those for whom authentic transformation has deeply unseated their souls must, I believe, wrestle with the profound moral obligation to shout from the heart — perhaps quietly and gently, with tears of reluctance; perhaps with fierce fire and angry wisdom; perhaps with slow and careful analysis; perhaps by unshakable public example — but authenticity always and absolutely carries a demand and duty: you must speak out, to the best of your ability, and shake the spiritual tree, and shine your headlights into the eyes of the complacent. You must let that radical realization rumble through your veins and rattle those around you.

Alas, if you fail to do so, you are betraying your own authenticity. You are hiding your true estate. You don’t want to upset others because you don’t want to upset your self. You are acting in bad faith, the taste of a bad infinity.

Because, you see, the alarming fact is that any realization of depth carries a terrible burden: Those who are allowed to see are simultaneously saddled with the obligation to communicate that vision in no uncertain terms. That is the bargain. You were allowed to see the truth under the agreement that you would communicate it to others (that is the ultimate meaning of the bodhisattva vow). And therefore, if you have seen, you simply must speak out. Speak out with compassion, or speak out with angry wisdom, or speak out with skillful means, but speak out you must.

This is truly a terrible burden, a horrible burden, because in any case there is no room for timidity. The fact that you might be wrong is simply no excuse: you might be right in your communication, and you might be wrong, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter, as Kierkegaard so rudely reminded us, is that only by investing and speaking your vision with passion, can the truth, one way or another, finally penetrate the reluctance of the world. If you are right, or if you are wrong, it is only your passion that will force either to be discovered. It is your duty to promote that discovery — either way — and therefore it is your duty to speak your truth with whatever passion and courage you can find in your heart. You must shout, in whatever way you can.”

― Ken Wilber, One Taste: Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality

Deco Line Art for a Person.
Image captured by the author in TextEdit.



Alutha Jamancar
Alutha Writes

I am a writer and activist, working to build a world that works … and a nextgen OS for humanity.