6 Mistakes of Promotion and Comparing Products in Social Media and MarketPlace

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3 min readSep 9, 2019

alviya.com | 6 Mistakes of Promoting and Comparing Products in Social Media and Market Place — The digital age has given a new dimension in the world of marketing, especially about branding. With all the sophistication at this time a person or a business is able to carry out branding activities more targeted because it is supported by more cooperative data and analysis.

With sufficient funds a brand or product can "instant" be in the customer's top of mind. But does promotion and branding on social media and market places always work? The answer is no. Many factors can make our brand popular in addition to the budget.

What is product branding?

Product branding is arguably the process of giving an identity to a product that can influence consumers to choose the product over competing products. Basically, product branding is an effort to combine all corporate identities that have the power to attract the attention of the public.

Branding is very important in the business world. You could say branding is one of the effective strategies to increase sales by 2x. If the business brand is classy and is well known for quality, there will be more sales.

What is the difference between product branding and promotion?

When viewed from the standpoint of the world marketing promotion and branding have different goals. Simply put, branding is an effort to make our brand seen, known and even remembered. While promotion is an attempt to make branding earlier is more likely to succeed.

The easiest example is seeing Shopee ads. As a market place shopee does not hesitate to flush funds for branding so that the name Shopee can be as famous as it is today. But if there are no frills of discounts or promos does it guarantee that the branding he is doing will be as successful as it is now?

Error comparing to social media or marketplace?

Actually, a guide to being able to make our promotional program successful has been circulating a lot on the internet. For example simple tips for building products on Instagram.

Another example is how to make targeted advertisements through Facebook?

So what can be called a mistake in promotion and branding through social media and market places?

1. Advertise without a clear target market

Without a clear target market the ads we run will definitely not succeed. Learn in advance the target market that we want to aim at. Once again we must be sure with this slogan "not everyone is our target market".

2. Visual usage is too ordinary

Visual elements of product branding such as name and logo describe and communicate the product. Strong brands are built using attractive visuals. Therefore, do not use visuals that are too ordinary.

If you think that branding or promotion must be expensive, it's wrong. The key is differentiation. What will be remembered is that what is unique and what is different so creativity is something that must be the capital in building unusual content.

3. Too focused on the word discount, promo or cheap

There is nothing wrong with positioning our brand from a price standpoint. But the logical consequence is to be ready to "burn money" continuously to maintain our position.

Then what can we do besides promos and discounts? a lot like giving service plus, a more reliable guarantee and quality that is tested.

Read more in article 6 Mistakes of Promotion and Comparing Products in Social Media and MarketPlace.

