Named to CB Insights’ AI 100 List

The AI 100 recognizes the teams and technologies that are successfully using AI to solve big challenges

Joel E. Resnicow
Pitch Perfect
4 min readJan 13, 2017


Santa Barbara, January 11, 2017 — Today, CB Insights announced that was recognized to the prestigious 2017 AI 100, a “ranking of the 100 most promising private artificial intelligence companies globally.” CB Insights reviewed hundreds of companies to make their selections, and the AI 100 winners were announced at The Innovation Summit in Santa Barbara, California.

In the words of CB Insights CEO Anand Sanwal:

“From financial services to healthcare to transport, incumbent companies in every industry are seeing that AI will reshape their industries. And as so often happens, transformational innovation comes from emerging companies. In the case of AI, a lot of the groundbreaking work is being done by the AI 100. The companies in the AI 100 are accelerating research, improving efficiency, and making many game-changing advancements that will be felt for decades to come,”

Roy Raanani, co-founder and CEO:

“Artificial intelligence is transforming the enterprise and the way businesses compete. We’re honored to be recognized for our pioneering work applying AI to one of the most valuable assets for any business: Its sales conversations. Until Chorus, the conversations between sales reps and customers were a black-box. There was no way to know why you win and lose against a competitor, or learn and replicate what top performers do differently from the rest of their team. Chorus fills in all the gaps in a rep’s notes, and gives manager, marketers and product leaders the insights they would get from sitting in on every important call.”

Micha Breakstone, co-founder and head of R&D:

“When we founded the company, we chose to build our core AI technology in-house. Our technology allows sales reps and managers to get real-time note-taking and insights during a conversation, when it has the biggest impact. Training our own deep models has proven to be one of our biggest advantages. We can extract actionable insights at all levels, from raw audio signal through linguistic patterns to conversational tempo. Ultimately, we’re building Chorus not because we believe that AI will replace salespeople, but to empower busy sales people and their managers to sell more by learning from what’s working.”

Quick facts on the AI 100:

  • In total, these 100 emerging private companies have raised $3.8B across 263 deals since 2012, according to CB Insights.
  • Applications of their technology include breakthroughs in healthcare, drug discovery, business intelligence, gaming, manufacturing, and much more.
  • More than 1,650 companies were nominated or applied for the AI 100 (only 6% were selected).
  • Data Collective has backed 14 of the AI 100 companies, while NEA backed 8 and Bloomberg Beta backed 7.
  • There have been 9 mega-rounds (funding rounds of $100M or more) to AI 100 companies since 2014.
  • Five AI 100 companies have reached a valuation of $1B or more (also known as unicorn status).
  • 11 countries are represented among the winners.

About CB Insights:
Our team comes to work every day to build technology that helps corporations guess less and win more. We aggregate and analyze massive amounts of data and use machine learning, algorithms and data visualization to help corporations replace the three Gs (Google searches, gut instinct and guys with MBAs*) so they can answer massive strategic questions using probability not punditry. With backing from the National Science Foundation and venture capital investors, we mine terabytes of data and knowledge contained in patents, venture capital financings, M&A transactions, hiring, startup and investor websites, news sentiment, social media chatter, and more. Our software algorithmically analyzes this data to help our clients see where the world is going tomorrow, today.
*We have MBAs.

About The Innovation Summit:
From voice and chat interfaces to AI replacing investment managers and doctors to the new revenue models enabled by the Industrial Internet of Things, the Innovation Summit marries CB Insights’ emerging trend research with the thinking of the world’s smartest minds — leading VCs, economists, researchers and corporate strategists.

For more information about the AI 100, visit:

To learn more about CB Insights’ Innovation Summit, go here:

Chorus (@chorus_ai), based in San Francisco and Tel Aviv, is an AI platform for sales calls and meetings. Chorus captures 100% of a sales team’s online meetings and calls, transcribes them in real-time and unites them into a single, simple dashboard that is integrated with your CRM. Chorus automatically surfaces critical parts of the conversation such as next steps, objections and competitor discussions so you can learn what works when you win and lose deals. Chorus frees reps from taking detailed notes, and frees managers’ time by surfacing the calls and moments worth hearing without having to sit-in on calls. For more information, visit



Joel E. Resnicow
Pitch Perfect

Builder and designer of products. Now: Head of CX & Ops @Chorus_AI Then: @LiveNationLabs @ShopularApp @StanfordBiz @ABC @Yale