
Because NFTs should be forever — but often aren’t

Guy Harrison
5 min readMay 13, 2022


Source: Shutterstock

In this post, we discussed how NFT entries on the blockchain are linked to metadata and media (such as artwork) on the internet and reviewed best practices for ensuring that media don’t “disappear” through neglect or poor NFT programming. In this subsequent post, we saw that 20% of a half-million NFTs we sampled were broken due to poor configuration of metadata or media.

In this post, we will discuss a solution to this NFTocalypse.

Pinning files to IPFS

If you are creating NFTs, then you should “pin” the metadata and media to IPFS, as we explained previously. There are a variety of pinning services around — indeed, our new platform is a fully functional pinning service suitable for any NFT creator.

But what if you are an owner of NFTs — how do you prevent the artwork from going missing?

Until now, there was no easy way for an NFT owner to arrange for their NFTs to be pinned permanently to IPFS. Therefore, we are very excited to announce the general availability of, which provides pinning services not just for NFT creators but also for NFT owners.

Why do owners need to pin their NFT media?

If I own NFTs, why should I need to pin them to IPFS — shouldn’t the creator do that?

The answer is — absolutely — YES. NFT creators should pin the NFTs media and metadata to IPFS. But what if — through neglect or indifference — they do not? After all, they may have already made a mint selling the tokens and have no real interest in protecting them post-sale. Or, they might pin them for a while but then fail to renew their pinning subscription when a credit card expires.

In short, owners of NFT cannot rely on NFT creators to keep their media safe. After all, YOU now own the NFT, so YOU have the greatest interest in making sure the NFT remains intact and valuable.

Getting started

It is so simple to protect your NFTs — visit, and sign up for a free account (go directly to if you want to skip the welcome pages).

Register for an account — you may need to confirm your email in the usual way.

From the Actions button, choose Pin My NFTs:

From the Pin My NFTs page, enter your Ethereum or Polygon public key or connect using MetaMask if that’s your wallet of choice:

It's perfectly safe to share your public key — it merely allows us to identify which NFTs you own. But NEVER share your private key with us or anybody else.

If you don’t want to connect your wallet to alwaysNFT, you can enter your public key manually. You can get your public key from MetaMask by clicking just below the Account name in your MetaMask wallet:

Other wallets have similar features.

Now click the Submit button. will scan your NFTs — identifying metadata and media attached to those tokens and pinning those files to our IPFS servers. Your files will be pinned to three IPFS servers across three continents. When finished, we’ll display a summary of your NFTs and send you an email summarizing what we’ve done:

Your Just NFTs dashboard will show a summary of the tokens pinned:

And you can view all the files we’ve pinned on the Everything page:

Simple as that!

Do yourself a favor! Pin your NFTs today.

We think pinning your NFT media is a no-brainer! Given the price of NFTs, taking a couple of minutes to pin your media is indisputably a good use of time.

For a limited time, is free for an unlimited number of NFTs. It will always be free for up to 50 NFTs, and monthly subscriptions will soon be available that will protect unlimited numbers of NFTs for just a tiny, tiny fraction of the cost of those NFTs.

If you had valuable artwork hanging in your home, you’d be foolish not to spend a little money insuring that artwork. is the Crypto equivalent of an insurance policy for your NFTs. protects NFT metadata and media by permanently pinning off-chain NFT files to the immutable IPFS platform. For the first time, NFT owners can protect themselves against rug-pulling and loss of artwork by pinning their portfolio using alwaysNFT. NFT creators can use alwaysNFT to ensure that their NFT media and metadata never “goes missing” and thereby protect their royalty revenues.

Sign up for a free alwaysNFT account today at



Guy Harrison

CTO at Author of many books on database technology. Hopeless old geek.