Writers Blog #9

Alyssa Rainey
Alyssa’s Digital Writing
2 min readApr 8, 2024

For this week’s writers blog I wanted to continue to focus on the Medium feature assignment. This week we only had one class, so we did not get to talk much about the assignment or digital writing. However, we did get the chance to talk to the people around us and discuss what we are writing about. I found it interesting to hear what other students are choosing to look at. The main topic seems to be social media in some way or another. Social media is an important topic to look at because, in my opinion, it is becoming extremely damaging. I think it almost consumes people because they care too much about their online presence. I like my social media apps too but I do think sometimes they do more harm than good. I look forward to continuing to hear more about my fellow students’ feature stories.

For my feature story, I look forward to looking deeper into voting issues. I hope that I will be able to cover North Carolina, while also shedding some light on country-wide voting issues. In one of the classes I took for my major, I had to write a paper about ways I would change the government. One of those ways was voting. If we make it easier for people to register and vote, they may feel more inclined to be involved in politics.

When I was doing brief research for this topic I came across a quote I wanted to include. From the League of Women’s Voters, they say, “Our democracy is strongest when every voice is heard” (LWV). I liked this quote because of how true it is. The main foundation of America is our democracy, and we are lacking if not every person, in the political process. Their website also talks about different ways to expand voting access by advocating and doing legal work. These are two main ways to increase voting rights. Advocating is the best way to make a change and one of the easiest. This is something I want to talk about in my paper. If more people realized the problem with voting access, and people advocated for change, it could make a difference. In my current philosophy class I am talking about solutions to other societal problems and one of the main things that is said is there has to be cooperation from everyone. Like any other issue, if no one recognizes the problem, nothing will change.

I feel very strongly about political rights and I think there should be more focus on societal issues like voting access. I am looking forward to researching further into voting access and writing this paper. I like learning more about problems in society as I feel like it is my responsibility, especially as a political science major. One of the main things I wanted to be able to do with my degree was create change in some way. I’m still not sure what that entails or what I want to do in the future but I do know I enjoy researching and talking about problems like voting.

