Government Funding for Additive Manufacturing R&D Projects: The Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR)

Jason Ray
AM on the Cusp
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2016
Program logo from

Bottom line up front: The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs are great sources of additional funding for small businesses looking to develop new technologies that may be applicable for government use. However, understanding these programs is also important for large businesses and investors, as the allocation of public funds for R&D requires a transparent, searchable database on all companies that receive awards. This information is publically available from the website and understanding it creates an opportunity for early investment in, or acquisition of, emerging technology companies.

SBIR & STTR Programs

Created by Roland Tibbetts and signed as Federal-wide programs in 1982 by Ronald Reagan, SBIR and STTR were developed to set aside a portion of the federal budget to support R&D, and the financing of cutting-edge technologies. Twelve federal agencies participate in the program boasting a total annual budget of approximately $2.2B, with over over $40B in awards since the program’s inception.

Info from

The Facts

  • Multiple awards are often made for the same Phase I solicitation topic to increase the likelihood that at least one approach will be accepted for progression to Phase II.
  • Not all topics make it to Phase II.
  • Proof of commercialization potential is a must.
  • These programs are one of the only sources of government funds that can be used for R&D of emerging technologies and permit the contractor to retain the IP created during the process.

For a more comprehensive overview of the program policies, see the updated 2014 SBIR Program Policy Directive.

Additive Manufacturing SBIR/STTR

With ever increasing interest in AM, there are a lot of opportunities for companies to supplement their existing R&D budgets. AM technology development or utilization was mentioned in 32 topics for the first round of SBIR/STTR solicitations in fiscal year 2016. With two rounds to go, interest in the technology this year is already equal to the total interest seen in topics from fiscal year 2015. Here are some topics from this past round to give you an idea of what’s out there:

Stay tuned for the release of the 2016 round two topics in April and how you can position your company to build successful proposals. In the interim, we will also take a look at past award trends and the agencies leading the push for AM technology development.

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Jason Ray
AM on the Cusp

Working to solve hard problems and have a positive impact on the world.