Conscious shopping, work-life balance and job applications

Ama La Vida
Ama La Vida
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2019

I was a competitive dancer growing up. Ballet, modern, tap, all that jazz (excuse the pun). My dance teacher’s father owned a local dance supply shop selling shoes, leotards, etc. From the time I was 11 or 12, I begged him to let me work there. When I was 14, he finally did.

I remember that friends of mine who worked at the movie theater or at Abercrombie would hope for no customers. Less work to do. Fewer complaints to manage.

I was the opposite. I helped take inventory. I totaled the receipts at the end of the night. I counted the till. Even as a young teenager, I knew that the money we made was how my boss fed his family and how I continued to have a job. It was all so personal, and my hustle at that job reflected it.

Now I’m a small business owner myself, and I know first hand just how much every dollar counts. We here at Ama La Vida also lead a networking group of other female business owners, and I know how much a dollar means to them too.

I’m certainly not against big business. I’ve worked for some fantastic firms that had 10’s or 100’s of thousands of employees and had a great experience with them. But there we’d spend as much in sliders and chicken skewers for one networking event as I have in marketing budget for an entire month. It’s just a bit different.

On the heels of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday, you’ve probably been thinking a lot about what to buy and where to buy it from this holiday season. Every dollar spent is…

  1. A ballot cast in favor of an entity. You have the power to choose to support an organization you believe in every time you buy something. Before you click ‘order’ you can always ask yourself if there is a small business alternative. If you have a friend who is selling that product. If someone on Etsy could produce it. If you can buy it at your corner store.
  2. A reflection of your values. I believe wholeheartedly in the sage advice to ‘treat yoself.’ I love a pair of shoes or a scarf as much as anyone else. But I also value adventure, connection, learning. Before you order just another thing for someone important in your life, consider if there is an activity, a personal development opportunity, an event that they might enjoy even more. Something that reflects who that person is, what they need and what might light them up.

I’m not always intentional with how I vote with my dollars. But this holiday season, I’m going to make it a priority. To try a little bit harder to find something meaningful and to procure it from someplace I’d like to support. To keep Mr. K, my old boss, and all the ladies in Founding Females top of mind. I invite you to join me!


This week’s challenge

Think of one special person on your holiday shopping list, and think outside the box for a second about their gift. Is there something totally unique, meaningful and a reflection of both of your values that might be the gift they never forget?

Not sure what your values are? We’ve got your back.

Book my free coaching consult

We love that you always want more. Here are some of the best resources that crossed our newsfeeds this week:

  • Visit Bossy Chicago, a directory of women-owned businesses to find vendors you want to support.
  • Looking for a way to make a difference this month? Join the #dressember movement and use your fashion skills to help end human trafficking.
  • Here are some helpful time management strategies to stay productive at work during this busy season.
  • Women entrepreneurs in STEM in Latin America are gaining momentum! “Multiple studies show that female entrepreneurs, on average, generate 2x the revenue of their male counterparts with the same amount of investment.”
  • In need of the perfect white elephant gift?! The ALV team is in love with Final Straws because they help you #suckresponsibly!



Ama La Vida
Ama La Vida
Writer for

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