Learn more about Amadeus!

Talita Costa
Amadeus Relay
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2018

Today we are launching Amadeus Demo, a simple App that demonstrates how Amadeus API can be easily used by dApps to exchange tokens. It was created thinking in a way to improve dApps’ experience and provide a dynamic and interactive way for them to connect with our API. Using the Demo you will be able to understand all the functions available, all the checkpoints needed to use it and also the issues that you may have and how to address them.

Click on the link below and start using it!


If you have any doubts, suggestions or find any difficulty please contact us at team@amadeusrelay.org or join our Telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/HJpxkkf79Jx9ImmeZ8Lkgw.

Also, if you want to see a example of how an application can easily call our API please check the code of the Demo at: https://github.com/AmadeusRelay/AmawdeusRelayFrontend

Considering that Amadeus API was created focused on dApps, we would like to discuss a bit more the benefits of using a dedicated service like this.

Why Amadeus has chosen to be dedicated to dApps?

We have analyzed the 0x Relayer Ecosystem and realized that there was basically relayers focused on being exchanges. Decentralized Exchanges are becoming more relevant each day and are essential for crypto investors looking for security and reduced fees. But we believe that in the near future most of the services, that today are centralized and dominated by few companies, will be decentralized and available on the blockchain and that these relayers won’t be able to fully meet their needs.

In order to use or be integrated to these decentralized services, most business will need specialized relayers. That’s why Amadeus was created, to work in the background taking the burden of exchanging tokens and managing its reserves, having as core business an API dedicate to dApps needs.

In a simple metaphor a company dedicated to their core business is like a dedicated server. If you have a dedicated server you have reliability and don’t have to worry about other businesses using all the resources. Also with a dedicated server you have flexibility and can manage the configuration of the server. This means you have more control as your business grows without having to worry about whether or not a shared server is going to be able to accommodate your changing needs.

Below you can find the big advantages of Amadeus:

Flexibility and Ability to Customize

Even Though the API is a standard we are completely open to understand your project and analyze if there is any customizations that need to be done in the API in order to be perfect to your platform.

Technical Assistance

We have a group of developers that will be able to explain with details how the API works, how it can be integrated and are also open to discussions on better practises and enhancements.


Our priority is to make sure that all dApps are able to use and communicate to Amadeus API, that being said all our efforts will be focused on ensuring that is is working perfectly the whole time.

Now that you know bit more about us and our value proposition we would like to explain in a few words the reason behind our name only as a curiosity!

Amadeus Mozart was one of the best orchestra conductor in the world and that’s what we intend to do: orchestrate tokens’ exchange in a way that it seems easy and effortless to dApps. Besides, we are not the first name neither the last name, we are the name in between that most of people don’t pay much attention but makes the whole difference.

Don’t forget to visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter! http://amadeusrelay.org/



Talita Costa
Amadeus Relay

Head of Communication and Strategy at Amadeus Relay