AMA with CEO Jun Inoue: How does using music to train machines help us better understand the power of AI?

Amadeus Code
2 min readMar 26, 2018


Producer, music aficionado and tech entrepreneur Jun Inoue is CEO and the driving force behind Amadeus Code. We asked him a few key questions about creativity, artificial intelligence, and the elegance and challenge of turning machine learning into expressive sound. We’ll be posting his responses over the next few weeks, to introduce the world to what makes Amadeus Code stand out as an AI-driven musical idea generator.

Today’s Question: How does using music to train machines help us better understand the power of AI?

I think that the relationship between music and AI can be approached in two different ways.

The first of these is the scientific approach, in which music is considered to consist of waves so that numerical information can be processed with the Fourier analysis or other such methods. The second is the literal approach that was used for Amadeus Code, in which music is considered to consist of tales that can be processed as the sentences of a story with the use of natural language analysis and other such methods.

It can be said that the first of these approaches has been used in communication technology, etc., by many scientists, whereas the second approach has been used by historical musicians in their creative activities. In other words, in order for people to completely understand music, they must think with both the right-hand side and left-hand side of their brains. However, because the human brain is biologically split into two halves, we humans have had problems in delving into deeper thinking from both approaches at the same time. But, this is possible for AI. It can promote deep and simultaneous understanding from two opposing approaches.

I anticipate that beyond this understanding lies the expression of “emotions” by AI if we can move ahead with research into simultaneous and well-balanced left-brain and right-brain understanding with regard to a single phenomenon. This is because we can never separate music from emotions. From this point of view, I can’t wait to greet the day in which AI is able to understand music with a single brain.

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