Beginner’s Guide To Streaming On Twitch: AMA Hosts uncovers tips for streaming success

Tatiana Bonneau
Published in
8 min readMay 26, 2018

If you love video games, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a Twitch stream or two. But Twitch is more than just a place to watch. It attracts roughly 100 million unique monthly viewers, who devour a staggering 20 billion minutes of gaming content every month. From Twitch perspective, those who managed to make their living from streams are a different breed of people: they are addicted to gaming, can’t live without their hobby, have a unique charisma and a combination of business knack, communication skills, and a good luck. Making money streaming for sure is not an easy task, but no guts, no glory.

The world’s biggest destination for live video game broadcasts, is a place where gamers can stream their games and make money from it. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? Well, believe it or not; it’s very hard work. In any case, there is nothing more exciting and satisfying than to be able doing what you like most as a living and if you are keen on streaming, here are some tips we got from our AMA Hosts on how to turn your passion into profit. However, we have to start from the basics.

What is Twitch?

Twitch or is a website that allows gamers to stream live video of themselves playing computer games. It was launched in June 2011 as a subsidiary of the personal streaming website In any given Twitch channel, a gamer needs to create his own Twitch channel, usually inlays a webcam video and interacts with the audience with an IRC-style chatroom and a microphone. Viewers may subscribe to the channel for a fee, donate money to the streamer, or support the streamer financially by watching the occasional video advertisement.

How AMAfeed can help you in creating a relationship with your audience?

There are many successful streamers that barely interact in chat and/or with their community. However, if you’re trying to build an audience and get people to stick around in your channel, you can make a strong impression by introducing yourself and greeting them when they decide to chime in. Twitch is all about making new friends and meeting new people. And there is a better way to attract a large number of people interested in what you are doing from starting a discussion that will allow them to ask you questions? Trust us, there is not! If you don’t want to make new friends and build a community, it may be difficult to grow your Twitch channel. Why is that important? Because your friends will hang out with you in your AMA Event and create HYPE about you and your channel!

That’s why many Twitch streamers have been hosts on our platform, and in today’s blog, we reveal parts of their discussions and the best answers to help you. So, let’s talk about Twitch.

AMA with The Intro King of Twitch LolElekktro!

Is it hard to set a channel on Twitch? Did you do a lot of research before starting yours? What are the most important things to know before getting started on Twitch?

It is not too difficult to set up the things necessary to stream however it does help to watch a tutorial if you are looking to get started. If you are looking to stream make sure you are fully committed and won’t get side tracked as it is a big grind.

What is the hardest and most challenging part of being a streamer? Are you getting support from family and friends?

The hardest part of being a streamer is sitting there for 6 hours and being entertaining as it can be incredibly draining. Also having to explain it to my family is a little hard too.

What is the best way to be noticed if you are new on Twitch? Did you expect to have that much support?

The best way to get noticed is to always advertise yourself in the games you play and on social media. Try and get your friends to support you as well to get your view count up. And be different in whatever way you think you can.

Is it free to stream on Twitch? How can one make money on Twitch and what is your channel’s monetization strategy?

It is totally free and the amount of money you can earn depends on how much people donate to you and how many subscribers you end up earning. Once you get enough concurrent viewers however you can become a twitch partner and earn ad revenue from ads you play on your channel.

AMA with TcKatfish The Content King of Twitch!

How do plan to develop your Twitch profile and get more followers?

I just have to keep marketing and keep consistent. Unfortunately, there is so little that can be helped because you are at the mercy of everyone who watches. So basically I go through and find many twitters I can follow and discord I can self-promote myself respectfully. While taking up any opportunities I find along the way.

What games would recommend to someone who is new in the gaming world?

I think I would have to recommend a single player platformer to hone your skills at hand-eye coordination. It also allows you to gain the ability to problem solve in a video game setting. So I think if you are new to gaming a platforming game like Sly Cooper would be a perfect starter as you embark on this new journey of gaming.

What qualities does Twitch have compared to other streaming platforms?

Twitch allows me to better interact with my viewers I feel. Being that it is live and I can directly connect with the people watching is a great feeling. I believe twitch to be greater than the other live streaming websites. It has the most people and has a more accessible look to it in my opinion. Although I believe that YouTube is a great way to get involved just as much with an even greater platform than Twitch.

Is there a game console you would recommend for gaming and why?

In my honest opinion, PC is the best console you could invest in because it comes with every game imaginable for the most part. You can plug a controller in and play however you like as well as more things to do. Although you can manage to find fun on any console you play.

The very first thing that you need to do in order to make bank on Twitch is to learn how live streams work. You can do this by creating a free account and just jumping into some of the more popular Twitch streams. This gives you an opportunity to see first hand exactly what other streamers are doing in order to be more popular.

Once you are seeing at least 500 viewers on a regular basis, it’s time to apply for the Twitch Partner Program. Twitch program allows you to show ads to your viewers and make a little money for doing so. Once you’re accepted into the program, you can begin showing ads and receiving $2.00 per 1,000 views of the ad. No, this isn’t a fortune, but it’s the first of many ways that you can make money streaming on Twitch.

AMA with YourBoy_Snipez

What are the requirements listed to qualify as a Twitch Affiliate and where can one check if they meet the qualifications?

The requirements to become a twitch affiliate are -have 3 average viewers in the last 30 days, stream 7 days in the last thirty, have 50 followers and stream for 8 hours in the last 30 days. You can check your progress on the twitch website under achievements under the path to affiliate

Why would anyone want to become a Twitch affiliate?

Well, being a twitch affiliate gives the viewers an option to subscribe and even donate to the affiliated streamer. If you are looking to becoming a streamer becoming an affiliate is the first thing you’d want to get accomplished. Also being affiliated has its perks when it comes to stream promotion and sponsorships as well.

How long did it take you to reach the affiliate status and what are the benefits?

I wanna say it took about 3–4 weeks of daily streaming to reach affiliate status. The benefits are that people can donate bits (twitch currency) to streamers which they can either donate to others or receive them in payment from twitch. Also, viewers can subscribe to an affiliate or partnered streamer with and of the 3 tiers of subscriptions. The first is a $5 sub, second is a $10 sub, and the third is a $25 sub. Twitch splits the money from each sub 50/50 with the streamer. Also, you can get sponsorships from gaming companies such as Fatal Grips (which is my sponsor) who may pay you depending on your sponsorship. I receive 10% of any purchases made to Fatal Grips when the customer uses my 10% off discount code (pyritz92).

What advice can you give to others who want to start streaming?

The best advice I could give is to network as much as possible and constantly working towards expanding your community as well as how to keep your current community with you. The next bit I would give is to visit other streamers get to know them make friends with them they may show you some support whether it be advice or ideas or maybe even raid (send their viewers to your channel via chat command) your live stream. And dont approach this as a get rich quick scheme because more likely than not your channel will dwindle. also be patient and dont give up.

Is streaming your full-time job? Do you make money from live streaming?

I feel if its something that you love doing then it not considered work but yes streaming is my full time job, if i’m not streaming i’m interacting with other streamers to find ways to make my stream more entertaining and more interactive with my viewers. I myself haven’t made that much money from streaming because i’ve only been in this for a little over a month, in that short time though i have become an affiliate with Twitch (streaming site) which is the 2nd highest tier of Twitch streamers. to answer the second portion more directly though yes there are numerous ways a streamer makes money such as donations, subscriptions, bits (twitch currency), and sponsorships to name a few.

Don’t worry, when you are first getting started, you are most likely going to be hearing a lot of crickets. This is perfectly normal. Just play the game and have fun! During this phase, you just want to get yourself familiar with the streaming tools available on Twitch and how to get donations from your viewers. Now, let’s stream & chill!

Written by our genius blogger Tina based on advice from our great Hosts in #GamingAMA and originally published on



Tatiana Bonneau
Editor for

Real college dropout genius, hard code nostalgic, former fetus, elf in denial, communist leftover