People In Therapy Are Strong — Not Weak

Mental health stigma denies the fortitude it takes to understand ourselves and the dynamic world around us.

Enriched Couples
3 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Evan Dvorkin on Unsplash

People don’t think twice about hiring an interior designer if they don’t have experience decorating houses, hiring a wedding planner to coordinate their wedding weekend, or paying a plumber to come in and do some work.

we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with seeking out additional support from a trained professional

If a friend was complaining to you about keeping up their yard, the conversation wouldn’t get too deep before you suggested to hire a lawn care company to help them out.

Or, if your friend cut their own hair and it didn’t turn out looking too hot, you may suggest making an appointment with a trained hairstylist the next time they need a hair cut.

For the most part, we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with seeking out additional support from a trained professional when needed. And, that we often are in search of others that we can rely on.

But, sadly, when it comes to our internal states and our emotions — the story changes dramatically.

With counseling and mental health, the picture that is painted of individuals and couples who seeks professional assistance from a trained mental health professional is that they are weak.


Not strong enough to handle it on their own.


Have a lot of things wrong with them, and on and on.

I call BS on that.

Individuals who enter therapy are strong.

They are capable people who want to understand themselves and the world around them a little bit better. And, to grow with the ever-changing demands our world places on us.

Mental Health Louisville is an initiative in Louisville, KY aiming to rid the city of the mental health stigma. I hope more of the same mission-driven agencies pop up around the nation because this is not just an issue in KY — it’s everywhere.

The idea that counseling is something weak people do is shifting more and more as the years pass — thank goodness. But unfortunately, counseling is often misunderstood and the stigma is still there.

TherapyByShannon specializes in counseling men and young adults. She strives to create a counseling environment for positive change where men and young adults can relate, feel heard, and find new solutions to their negative patterns. She commonly works with stress, relationship issues, difficulty saying no or recognizing emotions, interpersonal connection, intimacy, and anger issues.

Originally published by Shannon Gonter, LPCC, NCC, of Louisville, KY. Edits by Annette Miller for length and clarity in Enriched Couples.




Enriched Couples

Shannon Gonter, LPCC assists young adults create positive change in their lives & find new solutions to their unhelpful patterns.