Writing With Enriched Couples

As a company founded by psychotherapists, we approach topics through a scientific lens. Read about our mission, voice, and team.

Annette Miller
Enriched Couples
3 min readSep 10, 2020


Photo by AllGo - An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Our mission

Enriched Couples is a free financial therapy platform for millennial and gen z couples on a mission to save 15+ million relationships from relationship distressed caused by financial strain.

Take a look around, starting here, to learn more about Enriched Couples:

Our voice

As a company founded by psychotherapists, we approach topics through the lens of professional knowledge. Our friends at Invisible Illness publish wonderful stories from a first-person perspective, but we focus the science behind these issues, how they show up in psychotherapy, and especially novel perspectives on how money influences us emotionally.

  • bold — frequently contrarian
  • authentic
  • scientific
  • multidisciplinary
  • inclusive
  • anti-racist
  • intersectionally feminist

Our topics

We have a long list of keywords we’d love to use over the next 6 months. If you need ideas, we’re happy to share and you can pick what interests you.

  • millennial and gen z couples and relationship health
  • diversity and equity issues relevant to couples — ex: interracial marriage
  • general mental health and psychotherapy
  • family financial wellness
  • psychology of money
  • economic empowerment
  • feminism in personal finance

Our content types

  • scientific news/topic teardowns in lay language — ex: weekly column based on a google scholar alert for relationship research, intimacy, etc.
  • resource roundups — ex: how to find the right therapist
  • editorial-style with bold stances — ex: how toxic masculinity influences the denial of emotionality with money; why we need more feminism in personal finance
  • tutorials — ex: common terms used in couples therapy
  • listicles — we will use this format sparingly, but these often make content easy to consume

Our “no, thanks” topics

  • 87 ways to coupon your way to being a millionaire
  • personal essays on experiences with mental health
  • poems
  • anything ever about Dave Ramsey
  • financial freedom or frugality lifestyle/how-to pieces

Our audience

Our customers and readers come from all walks of life, live all across the US, and represent both heterosexual and sexual or gender minorities (e.g., LGBTQIA individuals and couples).

Millennial and Gen Z couples who are:

  • Engaged
  • Recently married
  • Moving in together, buying a home
  • Relocating for a job
  • Becoming parents
  • Celebrating another major life milestone

Our team

Image: Annette Miller. The founding team of Enriched Couples, Annette (left) and Michael May (right).

The team currently features our cofounder, Annette Miller, and TherapyByShannon.

We are currently accepting writer submissions. Please complete this form to introduce yourself. We especially welcome womxn, queer, Black, LatinX, immigrant, neurodivergent, differently-abled, or otherwise underrepresented authors. 👇 Fellow psychotherapists and progressive personal finance writers are ideal contributors.

Our process and editorial standards

Authors are allowed to include 1–3 sentences in a footnote at the bottom of their articles. We ask that you use links inline descriptively (versus a free-floating URL).

Like other publications, Enriched Couples expects authors to follow curation guidelines and grammatical best practices. We aren’t overly picky about formatting. We advise using a headline capitalizer, the Hemmingway tool, Unsplash, and Grammarly to check articles for clarity and reading level difficulty.


For questions, please contact Annette Miller at hello@enrichedapp.com or schedule a quick conversation here.

This is a living document being updated regularly.



Annette Miller
Enriched Couples

Marketer, former founder, behavior therapist. Outgoing introvert, gardener, ultra-curious woman with ADHD. Love the word avuncular and park best in reverse.