Write for Amalgamate

Become a writer for the Amalgamate publication on Medium

Rajeet S
4 min readMar 17, 2021


Thank you for your interest in being a writer for Amalgamate!

How to Become a Writer for Amalgamate

Send us either your Medium name/profile handle (your username after the @ symbol) or your profile URL using this link.

We check the link every few days and will add you to the publication as a writer. You can then submit your pieces to us by clicking the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the page of your draft, pressing ‘add to publication’ and selecting Amalgamate.

Alternatively you can send a draft link of your story to our editor on writing@rajeetsingh.com.

Who We Are

We’re a publication on Medium focusing on any topic related to psychology, philosophy and science, and anything which amalgamate one or more of these subjects.

Psychology/philosophy/science cover a huge range of topics. We publish pieces on popular psychology, mental health, abstract philosophy, physics and how different substances work in the brain. We’ve barely scratched the surface and there’s much room for more insight in many different fields.

What we’re Looking for

Do you have a piece related to psychology, philosophy or science you want to share? Do you have one which encompasses more than one of those topics? Do you have an insight you want the world to hear? A different point of view from the norm?

Then we want to hear from you.

Things to Keep in Mind when Submitting

Some writing tips and best practices for the best chance to get published in any publication.

  • Whatever idea, point or story you’re trying to convey, keep it concise and focused. Give the reader a clear motive for what you’re trying to say. Readers expect to get the most out of what they read, so avoid waffle and points which go off on unrelated tangents. And, obviously, make sure you minimise all grammar errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Your Headline is the first thing the reader sees, so it’s very important — it’s the reason they’ll either click and read your work or move on without a second look. Ensure your headline is eye-catching but also accurately reflects what your piece is about. Here are some tips on how to write great headlines and examples of them.
  • Make sure your sub-title further entices the reader to click. Your headline is there to catch their attention and the subtitle to intrigue them to want to know more.
  • Use a high-quality image at the top of your piece and ensure you have the rights to use it. Please credit the owner of the image in the image alt-text. You can find free royalty-free and copyright-free images to use in your pieces at Unsplash, Pixabay and Pexels.
  • Ensure you have some visual variety in your writing. Readers will often get turned off at massive blocks of text without any white space. It looks boring and overwhelming to the eye. Vary the length of your sentences, paragraphs and perhaps make use of Medium’s formatting tools like bold, italics and quote features. You can also use images within the text itself, if you’d like.
  • If you cite any facts or make any assertions in your writing, please back them up with references. This is usually best done by linking the text out to a page which backs up your point like this. If you make an assertion but cannot provide a reference or citation, please back it up with some rationale or your own experience.
  • It’s your choice whether to put your piece behind the Medium paywall. You can get paid for your writing on Medium if you decide to put it behind the paywall. If we like the piece we’ll publish it whether it’s behind the paywall or not.
  • We accept both draft and already published stories.

How to Submit a Piece to Amalgamate

As mentioned above, send us your Medium profile name or URL using this link.

If you have a story you’d like to share directly, please send the draft link to writing@rajeetsingh.com with the subject ‘Amalgamate submission: [the title of your piece].

To find your story’s draft link, either click the 3 dots in the top right hand corner and click ‘share draft link’ (if you’re on a laptop) or share it from your draft stories page in the app.

We’ll have a read and then add you to Amalgamate as a writer. You’ll then be able to submit your piece to the publication directly.

Thank you for your interest, we can’t wait to hear from you!



Rajeet S

Rajeet enjoys mixing cocktails and bombarding strangers with philosophy.