AOK: Art

Amanda Posthuma-Coelho
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2017

What is Art?

  • Diverse range of activities and studies including human activities but also natural artworks.

Examples: visual, auditory, performing, hand-made, computerized artworks

  • My favorite films, poems, piece of musics, novels and paintings?

My favorite films are: Danish Girl, The Theory of Everything, Gifted Hands, Toy Story, Up

My favorite poem: The Owl and the Pussycat

My favorite songs are: Stairway to Heaven — Led Zeppelin, When the Levee Breaks — Led Zeppelin, Heart of Gold — Neil Young, This Charming Man — The Smiths, Court of the Crimson King — King Crimson, Money — Pink Floyd, Space Oddity — David Bowie

My favorite novel: To Kill a Mockingbird — Harper Lee

My favorite painting is: Anything my sister paints and anything in the MoMA in NYC
  • Link between my choices and cultural/gender biases?

I believe that my choices are not culturally influenced but instead based off of my personal views. However, I do believe that I may have a certain gender bias, seeing as Danish Girl raises questions about genders and sexuality, which I found interesting.

  • How have my choices expanded my knowledge and insight?

To Kill a Mockingbird has greatly changed me. It gave me some insight into the Deep South of the United States of America during the 1930s-1960s and even inspired me to write my Extended Essay about this novel and its themes. I believe it has helped me develop empathy for characters in the book and, hence, for those who lived through racism first-hand. The novel moreover helped me to open my eyes to a different reality that I do not face but is still very much present in society.

Do these insights count as personal, shared knowledge or both?

I believe that these insights count as both personal and shared knowledge.

Word count: 3o0

