Religious Knowledge Systems

Amanda Posthuma-Coelho
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2017

Theism is the belief in the existence of a god or gods, often viewed as a supreme entity responsible for the creation of the universe. Theists support that he is an “omnipotent, omniscient, goodness that is the creative ground of everything other than itself”.

Monotheism is the view that there is only one such God.

Polytheism is the belief in or worship of more than one god.

Pantheism is the view that God is identical with the universe, the view that “there exists nothing which is outside of God”. It is also the rejection of “any view that considers God as distinct from the universe”.

Atheism is the disbelief in the existence of a god or gods.

Agnosticism denotes the uncertainty toward knowing the existence of God, i.e. someone who does not know whether or not God exists and cannot prove or disprove his existence.

Humanism encompasses people who seek to “live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs”.

Religious Pluralism is the belief in the “diversity of religious beliefs, practices, and traditions that exist both in the contemporary world and throughout history”.

Pascal’s Wager is an argument that all humans either support that God exists or that he does not.

