Personalized marketing automation 101

Marina Lyra Pessoa de Queiroz
Published in
6 min readAug 6, 2020

Written by Marina Pessoa — CRM Lead at AMARO

Have you ever gone on a website looking for something specific and started receiving recommendations that were completely unrelated to what you were looking for?

This problem can be simple to fix, saving your customer time and generating value for your business along the way. With younger generations being so used to having brands such as Netflix and Spotify, customers don’t respond to the one-size-fits-all strategy anymore.

My name is Marina Pessoa and I’m the CRM and Messaging Lead at AMARO, an omnichannel destination where customers can discover and buy a broad assortment of cool brands that match their lifestyle. At AMARO we were able to double our revenue performance from CRM using personalized marketing automation, and this article will show you how we did it.

Understand Your Customers

Let me start by saying that you cannot have a successful strategy if you don’t understand your customers.

The first step is to gather feedback both from your clients and your database:

  • What are the interactions your clients most frequently do?
  • How long does it take from one interaction to another?
  • What are they expecting when signing up?
  • What are they looking for in each stage of the customer journey?
  • Where do I find my customer?
  • Which content do they want to see?

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes, and try to understand where there are opportunities for how you would like to be treated in each stage of your relationship with the brand.

When you visit an eCommerce website and search for ‘blue sweater’, it’s pretty clear what you’re looking for, right?

However, if a brand has an enormous variety of categories and products, how on earth would they create an effective search retargeting campaign for each possible combination? Yes, it would take years! And that’s exactly when and why we should use personalized Marketing Automation.

When you define the main actions that determine what the customer wants, write everything down on a list.

For an eCommerce store, the obvious actions could be when a customer makes a search, adds a product in the cart, navigates through a specific category, or saves something on a wishlist.

Navigation Data for Automated Messaging

If your CRM platform receives the customer events you’ve listed, you can trigger specific campaigns to their actions. If this is where you currently are, the next steps should be as easy as pushing a button. At AMARO, we use Braze as our customer engagement platform.

If your CRM platform isn’t quite ready to receive events yet, then I advise you to take a look at how the integration between your data warehouse and CRM platform is structured to make navigation data ready for use.

In the meantime, don’t worry: you can still create personalized messaging. However, you will need to take a step back and acquire some key information about who you want to talk to.

When you go back to that list of events, you should cluster them into how distant the actions are from your ultimate goal. We all know that adding a product on the cart is close to making a purchase, but there are several business models out there and, as I said before, you should rely on data to know what customer stages would make more sense to you.

User Segments

With that on your hands, you can create segmentations based on both the customer journey stage and content preference. You will eventually have something like this:

Segment A: Decision Stage

Description: Customers that recently made an event that is close to my ultimate goal

Segment B: Consideration Stage

Description: Customers that recently made an event that is somewhat close to my ultimate goal

Segment C: Awareness Stage

Description: Customers that recently made an event that is not so close to my ultimate goal

And so on with all customer journey stages you have mapped.

Also, you will have other segments that will be based on preference.

Segment D: Content Preference

Description: Customers that recently made an event that is related to ________ content.

For the Content Preference segments, you can have as many as you want. However, try to analyze which content is interconnected so you can segment but still have a wider range of opportunities as well. If you are an eCommerce company, you can see that customers usually navigate through a series of similar categories, like jackets and coats for example. Try to find your own synergy and then apply that to your segments.

Great! Now you have a lot to work with.

The next step is to create campaigns for each stage that can be personalized with dynamic fields from your content preference segments.

Personalized Campaigns

When designing a campaign, it is important to have a scalable structure. At AMARO we have single campaigns that are designed for multiple categories, dynamically changing the category name from the copywriting and some images according to the customer’s content preferences.

In the example above, when a user navigates through a product and doesn’t add it to cart, we understand that they are not ready to make a purchase yet, therefore we put them into our Consideration Stage.

Within this path on the customer journey, we send a couple of product retargeting campaigns that focus on similar products as well as other items that can complete the look.

To populate the campaign, we use Content Preferences, that automatically fill with the remaining variables we have previously chosen, such as:

Providing a bit more context about the product, 15% of that audience comes back to either purchase, add to cart or wishlist.

In order to have these offers dynamically changing according to Customer Preference, it depends on your CRM Platform structure. At AMARO we use Braze and it allows us to integrate with our internal Catalog API built in JSON for product details requests like price, image, description, and a lot more.

It actually looks like this:

The same can also apply for external APIs, and here is the best part. Recently AMARO has been using AWS Personalize to create a refined recommendation API that we integrate with Braze. This has allowed us to go more granular on recommendations and to automate all of the work.

If you are interested to learn how we did it, you can read it here.

But even if you want to keep it more basic for now, once your campaigns are set up, triggered by stage and personalized by preference, you’ll be practically all set.

The final touch is to AB Test it to measure the value of Automation. It is said that Automated Messaging can really help your business grow. In our case at AMARO, we were able to double our Revenue performance.

Hope it works for you :) If you have any questions or experiences about personalized marketing automation you would like to share or ask, please comment below!



Marina Lyra Pessoa de Queiroz
Writer for

Developing personalization at scale by bringing technology and data into Marketing is my passion. Currently Senior Retention Growth Manager at Daki.