Fast Start Checklist — Switch to Google Analytics 4

Vladimir Derachits
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2022

Google is launching Google Analytics 4 in July 2023. To make the transition to version 4 seamless, you need to start migrating your data now. Here’s a quick checklist to make it easy for you:

  1. Compare the total number of sessions. Make sure the number of sessions is the same in Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4.
  2. Compare sessions by medium. Make sure UA channel attribution matches GA4.
  3. Compare the number of sessions involved in GA4 with the bounce rate in UA.
  4. Confirm the Events between UA and GA4. Don’t lose any in the process of transition.
  5. Compare the total number of conversions for UA and GA4.
  6. Make sure custom dimensions and metrics were created and populated in GA4.

Check the following integrations if they were enabled in the Universal Analytics:

  1. Google Ads integration.
  2. Google Search Console integration.

Important for e-commerce:

  • Transactions and revenue should be compared between UA and GA4 as a whole and by SKU, category, and product name. Plus it is better to compare transactions and revenue by any custom dimension in Universal Analytics.



Vladimir Derachits
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