‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport

One of the best books to improve your productivity.

Parameshwar Hegde
Amateur Book Reviews


Deep Work by Cal Newport

I am inclined to read more books that help to improve productivity, push to develop pleasant habits — not in the usual self-help style ‘how to’ way, but with practical explanations and stories.

‘Deep Work’ by author Cal Newport was one such wonderful book.

I read it three years back and read it two more times since then. Every time I read, it pushes me to work with focus, concentration, and depth. Whenever I think about the book or just see this in my bookshelf (image above), it pushes me to do the work as best as I can.

The author says that, in the new digital world and economy that we live in, everyone has access to information, tools, and techniques. If one has to succeed, stand out and thrive, two core abilities are essential — Ability to learn hard things quickly and producing at an elite level in terms of quality and speed.

Most of us are used to do non cognitively demanding tasks with drop-dead user interfaces like smartphones and social media, then we don’t get develop abilities to learn hard things. There is a lot of difference between activities like analyzing data or doing root analysis or complex programming vs asking a question in google “Who will win the election”. We need to learn those hard…



Parameshwar Hegde
Amateur Book Reviews

Senior Leader in Corporate IT in his early 40’s. Curious Observer at work and life. Sharing learning and experiences through interesting stories.