Legend of Exiles — An Unique Story of 4 Courageous Women by Jesse Teller

Shreyas Parida
Amateur Book Reviews
2 min readApr 14, 2019
Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov on Unsplash

“By denying your god when you were small, you damned yourself to a loveless life…fear killed your future”.

In general, I am a very sceptical person. It usually takes me a good 30–40 pages before I start enjoying any book. When I was asked to review “Legend of the exiles” by Jesse Teller, an emotion of uncertainty crept inside of me; how many pages would it take for me to truly intertwine with the contents of the book?

Believe it or not, as soon as I read the first paragraph, I was sucked into the rabbit hole. However, this rabbit hole did not lead me to wonderland but rather it took me to an even greater, more interesting, fantastical world

This world is barbaric and dominated by men. There are kingdoms and within each kingdom there are tribes. Our story shall take place in these crude unpolished tribes.

Like Leonardo Da Vinci creating Mona Lisa, Jesse crafts four valiant courageous women. The four women; Helena, Ellen, Jocelyn and Rachel all partake in an individual battle to vanquish their inner demons and transcend towards a spiritual level of bliss.

While the women try to, as the famous band Gemini Syndrome say, “reconcile the war inside of them”, the tribal society do not want them to change. These women face bullying, shame and death. Through all these inhumanities, Mr Teller works with precision to depict how the protagonists’ rebel against their cultures and show the world how to take on oppression with a smile.

Every woman in the book has her own challenge to overcome. Yet Mr Teller sporadically mingles the stories and then masterfully untangles them. The ambience of magic set by the author is lovely and I truly felt immersed in the mystic world. It was a 450-word thriller and I am definitely looking forward to buying the next few books in the series.

Combat System: Mostly Hand to hand, although daggers, arrows and swords are also quite prominent.

What I liked: Definitely the beautiful flow of writing. The writer is definitely super talented.

What could be improved: Perhaps the age system? I understand that this is a fantasy world and that most adults in the book are around 11–13 years. However, it is still a bit peculiar to see a 10-year-old girl getting married.

Rating: 4.5/5

Buy the book for your Kindle from Amazon; https://amzn.to/2ICEDD3

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Shreyas Parida
Amateur Book Reviews

An adventurer by day, writer by night. If you like my writing, please go to my blog shreyaslearns.com