“Medium Monk Mode” — What the Hell is it?

Luke Owen
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


An experiment in the persuit of Medium success.

Photo by Sergio Capuzzimati on Unsplash

So its currently 15:15 and I am half-way through my day first day of Medium Monk Mode (MMM). After a quick search on Medium it appears that nobody has used this term before, as such I publicly stake my claim to its “invention.”

For those of you unfamilar with Monk mode (The lesser version of MMM) A great defenition is provided by Justin Boyette Monk mode is a term used to refer to when a person dedicates all their energy and time to accomplish a goal within a short period of time.

As you might have guessed MMM is the same practice with a focus on Medium.

Anyway here are my guidlines for MMM, feel free to chop and change some of them to fit in with your goals.

You must commit to 21 Days — No less, no more. Why 21? Well it’s the magic number. Its attainable. At the end you can always have a few days off and go straight back into monk mode. But commiting to say 30 or 60 days can be quite daunting and make you more likely to quit.

You must give up 3 things that negatively impact your life — That could be alcohol, drugs, junk food, gaming, partying etc. — We all have our vices, you know what yours are. Pick 3 and ditch them.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

You must focus on 3 practices that improve your life — These 3 are less negiotable and I would recomend sticking to the following.

1 — Meditation — There is a reason so many gurus recommend it. It takes hardly any time. Just 10–15 minutes a day. Use a guided meditation on YouTube. This will help you keep calm and focused. This is vital to making the other parts of MMM work. Without this you may succumb to the urge of the 3 things you have decided to give up.

2 — Exercise— a minimum 30 Minutes a day, I don’t care what it is. It can be yoga, a brisk walk or a Dwayne Johnson 3 hour gym session. Just make sure you do 30 minutes a day of any exercise!

3 — Medium — Publish a story everyday. Pretty simple, but potentially the toughest part of this whole journey. Remember great blog posts are subjective, so just get something out there. Force yourself to write.

Anyway I will likely provide updates and more details along the way. You can follow me, (I’ll follow back) to make sure I haven’t given in to the matrix and come out of MMM.

Also if you would like to join me on this journey or you think its a good/bad idea. Drop me a comment below. Medium is a community, I want to get to know you guys.

P.S please excuse the terrible editing, I am heading out to work now and won’t be home till 11PM… and I still need to exercise after that ahhhhh!



Luke Owen

Just an imposter pretending to be a writer | UK based | I write to help others reach their full potential.