Origin — Book Review

Rebecca Graf
Amateur Book Reviews
2 min readJul 28, 2018


by Dan Brown


Religion and science has always had a strained relationship. They have fought against each other for centuries. In this book, a well known atheist is set to reveal a discovery that shake the foundations of every religion on earth. Before he can reveal it, he is murdered. Friends of his set out to find his “truth” and reveal while avoiding getting killed themselves. On top of all that, there is confusion as to who ordered what and who is behind the leaks to the press and the assassination.


Dan Brown in a seasoned author. His writing is descriptive, intense, and has a way of keeping secrets to the very end. Yes, I guessed who was behind it all, but I was only certain right at the moment it was revealed.

This was an audio book for me. The writing kept me interested and the reader was astounding.


The character are very unique and multi-faceted. They were very human in having different depths of their emotions and their reactions. Even the computer in the book is very interesting to the point of me wanting one of him around.

Even the ones you think are bad have depth. The good ones have flaws.




Rebecca Graf
Amateur Book Reviews

Writer for ten years, lover of education, and degrees in business, history, and English. Striving to become a Renassiance woman. www.writerrebeccagraf.com