Robert Langdon was on the Helicopter!

Darshna Rekha
Amateur Book Reviews
5 min readJan 6, 2022


Angels and Demons — A review

Last month I spent with Robert Langdon — the protagonist of the Angels And Demons(Robert Langdon Book 1). I had watched the movie but the novel made my jaw drop. It is said that the movies are more like abstracts to the books. Not wrong but I admire both the movie and book in this case.

The novel brings us closer to Robert Langdon and Vittoria Vetra— their background and emotional investment in the quest to find the weapon of destruction across Rome and Vatican City. Spoiler alert, they even get together at the end of the novel.

Considering their work and personalities they have a mutual break up in the second book 😅.

But this blog is about a few good learnings I had from this book.

The Quest: Science and Religion

The back and forth on religion and science among the characters are a sight to behold.

What Science cannot answer is the work of God.

This is one continuous theme of all the conversations Robert, Vittoria, and the Chamberlain Carlo Ventresca have throughout the novel.

There are only a few questions left, and they are the esoteric ones. Where do we come from? What are we doing here? What is the meaning of life and the universe?’

