Star Wars: Thrawn Book Review

Micaila Blankenship
Amateur Book Reviews
3 min readJan 11, 2019
Purchase your copy here.

Rating: 4.5 Stars

Genre: Science Fiction/ Fantasy

Author: Timothy Zahn

Series: Star Wars: Thrawn Series 1

“War is primarily a game of skill. It is a contest of mind matched against mind, tactics matched against tactics. But there is also an element of chance that is more suited to games of cards or dice. A wise tactician studies those games, as well, and learns from them.”

So…This was my very first Star Wars novel (I’ve read some graphic novels in the past- but this is my first actual novel) and it was spectacular.

I was a little nervous going into this because even though I love Star Wars the thought of books made from movies just sounds scary. I am a neurotic OCD perfectionist who refuses to watch shows or movies until I read the book.

And a book based on fan fiction… that sounded like a recipe for disaster.

But in a state of desperation for something different I took the recommendation of one of my cousins and gave it a go.

I read the first chapter and then…. nothing… FOR MONTHS!

Seriously, I started this book in the beginning of November 2018 and didn’t pick it up again till the beginning of January 2019.

Only this time when picked it back up I used my long time cheat for finishing books I have trouble with… Audible.

And Audible did not let me down- this ended up being hands down the BEST AUDIOBOOK I HAVE EVER READ!!!

Most audiobooks have an extremely talented voice actor and if you are really lucky a cast of voice actors. This audiobook is complete with blaster fire, explosions, aliens, Star Wars music, and the best voice actor I have ever heard.

It was like listening to a movie and I was completely immersed.

This book takes place in between Episode 3 and 4 of the movies (for the die hard Star Wars fans- it takes place after the Clone Wars…), provides background information regarding characters brought up in the TV series and previous Zahn books, and all the main characters are supporters of the Empire (…welcome to the Dark Side).

Even though going into this novel I had absolutely no idea who Thrawn, Arihnda Pryce, and Eli Vanto were I had no trouble understanding or enjoying the story.

I found myself (quite horribly) wanting Arihnda and Thrawn (with the assistance of Vanto) to succeed in their various plots and loved seeing the perspective of Empire loyalists.

Thrawn himself was an amazing main character as he is an evil genius with an IQ on par with Sherlock Holmes (or perhaps he is more of a Moriarty). The sections where he is analyzing character reactions and plotting devious battle strategies were extremely well written and were a very fun aspect to the novel overall.

Arihnda’s character was unique as she was primarily written as a damsel-in-distress/ victim type character in the beginning yet her actions and deeds mark her as a villain (which as a avid reader was a fun twist).

This book convinced me to dive into more Star Wars novels and not just be a huge Star Wars fan… but to jump off the cliff and leave my mundane life behind and be a part of the dark side and join the Star Wars fandom.

Find what I’m currently reading and other book recommendations here.

