The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason — Book Review

Jake Boucher
Amateur Book Reviews
2 min readApr 22, 2020



That’s the one word to describe this book. Although trying to read all of the old slang can get quite old and difficult. Thou, doth, thy, and others get old trying to read.

The message of the book is what matters here though. This book is extremely old. It was published in 1926 but the value is immense.

If you struggle trying to save/invest your money, then this is the book for you. It’s only 88 pages long and it’s straight to the point. The author uses stories from the ancient city of Babylon to illustrate how to manage one’s money.

The Seven Cures

The 7 cures to a lean purse are probably the most important aspect of the book.

First cure: start thy purse to fattening

Second cure: control thy expenditures

Third cure: make thy gold multiply

Fourth cure: guard thy treasures from loss

Fifth cure: make of thy dwelling a profitable investment

Sixth cure: insure a future income

Seventh cure: increase thy ability to earn

If you follow the 7 simple principles listed above, you will be successful at managing your money.

